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After a sexual assault, you may wish to seek medical attention to determine if you have suffered physical injuries and to collect any evidence left behind by the person who sexually assaulted you.

The care and evidence collection process performed at the hospital is called a sexual assault forensic exam, also known as a “rape exam,” “rape kit” or “medical forensic exam” (MFE). Rape exams are free and can reveal injuries that may not be easily seen. Swabs and envelopes are used to collect possible evidence from the body.

You have the right to be accompanied by an advocate from the local rape crisis center while at the hospital. The advocate can provide free and confidential care and support before, during, and after the medical forensic exam. They can help with follow up resources, such as counseling and other needs, to help with the healing process. If you are not offered rape crisis advocacy services, and want an advocate to be with you during the exam, ask the hospital to call the local advocate for you.

Do I have to pay for the forensic exam and medications I receive at the hospital?

No. Victims of sexual assault can get a medical forensic exam free of charge. You do not have to talk to the police to get the exam. You can choose to have your insurance billed or Pennsylvania’s Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP). You should never receive a bill for the exam or the medications received at the hospital.

While the forensic medical exam is free of charge, there may be additional treatment and testing options that may not be covered.

The advocate from the local rape crisis center, or hospital nurse can assist with more information on what may be billable and how to potentially address those costs.

The exam also includes:

  • Evaluation and treatment for possible sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs)
  • Evaluation and medication to prevent pregnancy (emergency contraception), if desired
  • Information about follow-up medical care, community resources and support

If you go to the hospital, the sexual assault will likely be reported to the police. However, you do not have to talk to the police in order to get a forensic exam. You can decide later whether or not to talk to police. If you are age 18 and older, you may choose to have the sexual assault evidence kit collected and tested anonymously/without a name attached to it. You can decide later whether or not to talk to police and identify yourself.

Evidence collection is best conducted as soon as possible after a sexual assault. Generally, hospitals will provide an exam within 120 hours of an assault. Check with your local rape crisis center or emergency department for this information.

If you decide not to go to the hospital, or if it is after the exam time frame, you may go to your family doctor or a clinic to be tested and treated for STIs and to discuss pregnancy risk, additional follow-up care and community resources. Since these services are not associated with a medical forensic exam, your insurance will be billed. 

An advocate from the local rape crisis center can help you with your decisions and provide more information. Call 1-888-772-7227 to contact your local crisis center or search for your center on our interactive map.

Related Links:

Why Should a Victim of Sexual Assault Visit a Hospital?

How a Legal Advocate Can Help

I’m Worried That I May Become Pregnant

Pennsylvania's Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act

HIV nPEP Access Toolkit