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The Day After Donald Trump’s Shooting

In Butler County, Pennsylvania, where the assassination attempt occurred, shock gave way to the conviction that Trump will be the next President.

Daily Cartoon: Monday, July 15th

“Winter? But you just wished for it to be summer!”

Bot Therapy

He was a widower who had lost his wife to cancer and his only son in a hideous boating accident. He worked in a bunker in Paris. I took the bait.

Paradise Bronx

From the time of the Revolutionary War to the fires of the nineteen-seventies, the history of the borough has always been shaped by its in-between-ness.

Were Pirates Foes of the Modern Order—or Its Secret Sharers?

We’ve long viewed them as liberty-loving rebels. But it’s time to take off the eye patch.

Does Ballet Need Narrative?

“Woolf Works,” a dance triptych by Wayne McGregor, is based on the life and work of Virginia Woolf, but its engagement with her ideas is frustratingly intermittent.

How Trumponomics Could Undermine the U.S. Economy

Donald Trump’s America First policy program would likely lead to higher inflation, a damaging trade war, and maybe even a recession.

“Dead Reckoning”

“We are driving the Middle West, lost / as Oklahoma or Kansas slowly spins / into darkness.”