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Location: Miami, FL
Joined:August 25th 2001, @09:28PM
Last seen:2024-07-12 21:08:59

My mobile phone:

Apple iPhone 7+ 128GB matte black

My home connection profile


Motorola MB8600 connected to a ASUS Wireless Router RT-N66U

Speed down/up:




ISP charge/month:


Kudos Received

  • Worked his magic to help me help a friend fix his website. A very cool guy!. Sweet Witch See Profile, 11.6 years
  • Always a helpful member and just tells it like it is. . MineCoast See Profile, 15.3 years

Kudos Given

No Kudos given yet

Posting History

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For-sale forum - ratings

  1. 2007-08-07 left by dleehend See Profile purchaser 'Axim X30 PDA' see »[FS] Dell Axim X30 with Windows 2003 - $95 rated them 5/5
    Summary: Rob is easy to deal with, quick communication & shipped well
  2. 2007-03-10 left by Camelot One See Profile seller rated them 5/5
    Summary: Sold a Dell 2407WFP LCD, payment was prompt, communications great. Perfect transaction. Will gladly do business again.
  3. 2006-02-01 left by whymeintrouble See Profile purchaser rated them 5/5
    Summary: purchased 8 port switch from me, even though I forgot to put the stupid power supply with it and allowed me a couple days to get it to him. He was patient and paid promptly. very good communication. would happily do business with again!

Things Imaged

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