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Joined:August 5th 2001, @11:48AM
Editor of these FAQs:
·Cox HSI Forum FAQ
Last seen:2012-03-28 12:03:47
Inactive user. Handle may be available!

my age:

I'm PapaSmurf, so that makes me 500+ years old. I remember when the TI 99A was considered cutting edge technology, Pong was considered state of the art video gaming, and hand held calculators were only for the rich.

my computer:

Servers - Homemade editions of core 2 extreme with quad core technology, Win XP Pro and Vista, multi drives & some other stuff. Clients are a mixed bag of Pentiums, P4s, Athlons and a toaster.

My day job:

I've been told to hang on to it.

I work in the broadband industry:

Yes, it's true . . .

About my Avatar/Username:

I was given this name by the people that worked for me, so perhaps it's because I'm old and wise. Probably because I'm old, fat and blue. Dunno.

My first name:


I like to listen to:

Nature and the sound of one hand clapping

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