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Joined:July 29th 2000, @07:02AM
Editor of these FAQs:
·SBC Remote Terminal (RT) FAQ
On these maps:·Members Tech
Last seen:2010-03-25 21:22:20
Inactive user. Handle may be available!
SignatureIf you cannot fix it with a buttset and some beanies you're not a technician.

Kudos Received

  • Helped with excellent recommendations for my phone setup. Splitpair is a cornucopia of knowledge!. Mizzat See Profile, 15.6 years
  • As always an excellent professional contributor to the site. The example of proper wiring of a 66-block --> (link) is just one case of many. Thanks for what you do here Wayne!. mattmag See Profile, 15.7 years
  • Cause wayne is my hero!. burner50 See Profile, 15.9 years

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