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US Broadband Subscriber Pace Slows Across The Board; + more notable news

Most recommended from 45 comments

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

7 recommendations


Premium Member

States and regions moving forward with major buildouts of broadband advised

What are they rambling about? If you are going to bore and pull cable or string cable then you should be required to install fiber to avoid having to do it all again in the future. Our tax dollars should be only supporting fiber for physical media. If you are installing new cable then fiber is the most cost effective solution for long term.
Otherwise you can just do wireless.
Henderson, KY

2 recommendations



Charter Pays Customers to Switch to Spectrum Mobile, Offers a Free Mobile...

Yeah...naw. Already have a mobile line, the cost I can adjust based upon what plan I buy. Fiber in June for what the non-ACP is worth at 1 Gig speeds, symmetrical. No special that'll run out at spectrum's whim.