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Utah Wants Porn Assigned To Ports
So your ISP can protect you from boobies...
Slashdot points to a bizarre proposal out of Utah that suggests dividing the Internet into an "adult content channel" and a "family content channel." The proposed system would do this via ports: boobies and people who use the word "shit" would be relegated to a certain port, allowing concerned parents or ISPs to filter out the Internet's naughty bits. The EFF is on the scene warning about the dangers and technical hurdles, though the resolution is likely to crumble under the weight of its own idiocy. Note this is only a resolution, not a law -- the groups behind it (SCO's chairman playing a part) simply want to get the conversational ball rolling.
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Yo Soy Col. "Bat" Guano
Premium Member
Philly burbs


Premium Member

Another reason to stay out of Utah

Weak beer, and now this crap.

One more reason to stay out of Utah.

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

said by N3OGH:

Weak beer, and now this crap.

One more reason to stay out of Utah.
If you read the /dot article and not the DSLR precis, you would know that it is not for Utah, but for the country and it is not a 'law', but a 'resolution'. It LOOKS like SCO seems to be spending money again and buying political exposure. Now we see if Huntsman takes the time to really get input like a good Governor should, or if he signs the resolution as a favor to a friend (my guess) before it goes on to the federal level.

Yo Soy Col. "Bat" Guano
Premium Member
Philly burbs


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

To be honest, it was a throw away line.

I have more of a problem with the weak beer

Actually, I hear Utah is very beautiful...

Of course, I could quip about my home state all day. What's going on in Pennsylvania that we CAN'T make fun of?

Noah Vail
Oh God please no.
Premium Member

Noah Vail

Premium Member


I'm told that Pennsylvania is the Oklahoma of the North.

Do you need a passport to travel to other states?


Sociopaths always win.
Tulsa, OK



Re: Ooh-Tah

no, since PA came first, if anything OK would have to be the PA of the midwest.

Yo Soy Col. "Bat" Guano
Premium Member
Philly burbs

N3OGH to Noah Vail

Premium Member

to Noah Vail
Pennsylvania is basically Pittsburgh on one side, Philly on the other, and Alabama in the center.

The area between the 2 cities, and north of the same is often referred to as the "T", as it forms a T around the major metropolitan areas.

I live in the suburbs of Philly near the Delaware state line. As a matter of fact I'm in Delaware (Dela -where??) right now.

The area I live in used to be rural, but now it's full of overpaid jackasses that think they shit rose petals.

Quite frankly, I prefer the farmers to the people we have now.

PA is in fact a pretty screwed up place. Most of the politicians are corrupt, and the conglomerated mongrel mix of town, boros, and townships
Cockeysville, MD

bi0tech to RayW


to RayW
Wow that article is just jam packed with moronic tidbits..

"A government study last year showed about 1 percent of Web sites are dedicated to it, but more and more employees -- and children -- are stumbling across it, and looking for it."

"The resolution states that current filtering technologies cannot do enough to stop access to porn, as some employees and children actively seek ways to bypass filters on their computers."

What you mean the internet provides the content thats in demand? Blasphemy! Also, WTH does this have to do with employees. You want congress to content filter for your organization? Hello great china firewall.

'"We're interested in whatever works," Daw said. Yarro echoed a similar sentiment, saying that whether or not the solution he suggested gets implemented, it will at least "get the debate going." Daw pointed out that this resolution has no legal effect, but is instead designed to put pressure on national lawmakers. He said he has spoken with some of Utah's congressmen, but said more can be done with the resolution in hand.'

In other words, we don't to DO anything. We just want our names in the press, and to toss another bone to the ol' moral majority come election time.

The crowning jewel of stupidity right here:

"There is this assumption that you can't control it (the Internet)," Yarro said. "It's a toaster, we made it, we can fix it. ... We can solve the Internet pornography problem tomorrow if we decided to."

Nothing like a bunch of Luddite absentee parent screaming how little johnny found porn on the internet and blaming anyone and everyone but themselves.

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

bi0tech, if you ever get a chance to go through a child porn monitoring site, I think you would be surprised at what is out there. Also the number of sick puppies pretending to be children and in the chat rooms.

Unfortunately or fortunately as the case may be, most of those people can not be touched due to our laws of proof and privacy. Unless of course they can be caught in physical possession of stuff or a kid.

I had not read the piece you posted since I thought it was an EFF rebuttal, but it does seem to be fairly balanced for a newspaper. I hope those who read your chopped up version take the time to read the entire piece.

And yes, I think I agree with you, they are doing this in such a manner that it is a photo op. They could have done it without media hoop-la.

Feline with squirel personality disorder
Premium Member

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Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

Just a thought: how about you don't let the kid chat/use the computer unnattended until he/she's old enough? Or better yet, just block the chat on the family computer?

For web browsing there are products out there you can install that won't let anything go through on the computer unless it's whitelisted. There is NO way that a porn site can go through those engines. Trust me, I tried, they had one at work before

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

said by LilYoda:

Just a thought: how about you don't let the kid chat/use the computer unnattended until he/she's old enough? Or better yet, just block the chat on the family computer?

For web browsing there are products out there you can install that won't let anything go through on the computer unless it's whitelisted. There is NO way that a porn site can go through those engines. Trust me, I tried, they had one at work before

I don't Lil, even though she is 14 she is still where she is watchable without knowing it. Plus I track sites that all the computers go to from the network level, not the computer level. But it is interesting how many mistypes will take you to T&A shots, even on a government computer where a lot of that stuff is blocked to the point where a page with a part number of a chip like WH9824SEX (for example) will trigger the filter (had to have the site unblocked so I could get the data sheet several weeks ago). Blockers are good, if you do not intend to do serious work.

The porn sites take mistypes and put them to 'good' use, what is GOGGLE.COM, still a porn site? Accidentally opened that URL several years ago in a lecture I was giving instead of GOOGLE.COM, talk about red faces. But at least it was a cheap object lesson on URL typos since it was not a trojan site then.

Feline with squirel personality disorder
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

Well, I guess the netadmins here went beyond government-class paranoid then...

I can tell you that even porn sites with just IPs didn't go through. They were using whitelisting only. So unless it's been declared by the firewall as "safe", it's blocked by default. The list was hosted by the company selling it, can't remember the name.

But a cheap version of that was to use the content filtering in IE. I remember using it and forbidding sites with "unknown" classifications. Then I had to pop the password first time I opened an unknown site.

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

What ever is used is powerful, but I was told by our admin that some sites do have spoofing to get around many of the blockers. However, I have noted that since they blocked many foreign (non-US) IP blocks, that I have not seen any recently (at work). Although with offshoring, that means many of my data sheets are unavailable now and I am unable to directly contact some of our customers .

Orange, CA

JamesPC to RayW


to RayW
You just make the Utah ppl look stupid...plus this will NEVER happen!

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

said by JamesPC:

You just make the Utah ppl look stupid...plus this will NEVER happen!
Why do I make Utah people look stupid? Because I am not afraid to give my point of view based on places I have been and things I have seen that do not fit with your comfortable world view?

You are welcome to your opinion, however excuse me if I do not take you very seriously.
Cockeysville, MD

bi0tech to RayW


to RayW
I'm pretty happy those "laws of proof and privacy" exist quite frankly. For some reason this country loves to get itself in tizzy and go off half cocked without thinking through anything. (congress is a prime example)

Child porn is an issue. Ok no argument.
If someone is posting it on a site hosted within the US, it can generally be tracked. Verify that the material is what it represents and it's simple to shutdown. Law is based on proof and not opinion. The country's legal foundation (at least it was, I'm not so sure anymore) is based on it's better to let 100 criminals go free because of a lack of proof than to imprison 1 innocent because of an assumption and biased opinion.

Beyond that what does any of this have to do with the net other than a casual association by means of distribution. The US has no jurisdiction over anything outside this country. (something it seems various high ranking officials have yet to learn) And it has NO business of any kind dictating content filtering or structuring based on subjective taste. So basically all this blustering is simply that. A waste of time, money, and misplaced political outrage.

22 years on this site
Premium Member
Mineral Ridge, OH

dslwanter to N3OGH

Premium Member

to N3OGH
said by N3OGH:

Weak beer, and now this crap.
For real. What if I want to see boobies?

Premium Member
Skytop, PA


Premium Member

Re: Another reason to stay out of Utah

said by dslwanter:

For real. What if I want to see boobies?
The local strip club should suffice

One other option available, would be attending a Hillary Clinton $2500 plate fund raising dinner, hang out with her husband Bill afterwards.

Billy boy knows where the action is. Its possible, one may see more than boobies.

Looking for cures in memory of Mom
Premium Member
Crab Nebula

3 recommendations

Nanoprobe3 to dslwanter

Premium Member

to dslwanter
That would be on port 69 I presume.

as Mr. Pink as they come
Premium Member
Phoenix, AZ

dvd536 to N3OGH

Premium Member

to N3OGH
Why doesn't this surprise me?
Without getting into topics that'd get this post moderated. . . . . .
Space Elf
Premium Member
Mullica Hill, NJ


Premium Member

cant really be done.....

isnt all http done over port 80 under the TCP/IP standard.

so for this law to work you would have to have www.myporn.com:82 or something like that.

Premium Member
Beacon, NY


Premium Member

Re: cant really be done.....

said by Kearnstd:

isnt all http done over port 80 under the TCP/IP standard.

so for this law to work you would have to have www.myporn.com:82 or something like that.
they could make it httpx:// though its still pretty dumb.
My views are my own.
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: cant really be done.....

well, the BUSH administration rejected having the .XXX domain stating we'd have a red light district. Now Utah, of all places, wants a port divide? lol... Riiiiiiight.

Sorry to say - this is religious backed.. and that alone I will have nothing to do with.

The United States.. "the land of the free".. if we are so free, then why do have have the government working so hard to squash those freedoms? Religion. There are other countries that are "less free" than we are and they have far more freedoms in these areas than we do.

It's REALLY getting old around here.

The government of this country has gone from being wee the people to we the government. The government is no longer out to protect the people of it's borders.. it's main focus is now to protect itself against the people.

What does this all tell us?
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: cant really be done.....

Actually, before the advent of the internet, unfettered porn was never the norm. In fact, many communities would do their best to get it banned from local convenience stores or, at the very least, confined to a minimized viewable area. These are what we call community standards...and while you may not have them, some communities still want to find a way to uphold them. I'm so tired of the liberal bellyaching about the existence of religious beliefs steering policy in any way, shape or form. This country's heritage does not exclude it from such a reality (nor should it be the primary governing/legislating inspiration).

I agree on the problem with the gargantuan size of the federal government, though.
Portland, ME
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC-LITE

1 recommendation



Re: cant really be done.....

In my opinion it all comes down to privacy. How are the community standards degraded if I watch porn over the net or cable in my own living room with the shades drawn? Nobody is talking about broadcasting it on the side of a building. What are "community standards" in 2007? To me that means don't retire junk cars on your lawn and don't blast the music at 4am.

The "liberal bellyaching" comes from the fact that the religious right feels they hold moral superiority in this nation and can force (legislate) their ideals onto everybody else. That's just not how it works despite the Scalia reasoning that you've got going on there. I'll decide for myself what my moral values are and their order of priority, thank you much.
My views are my own.
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: cant really be done.....

I agree with every word you said. Thank you!

Also, the lawsuit which brought an end to the sodomy laws in this country pretty much set a standard against the religious reich in this country. What people do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own home is not up for debate in community standards.

The difference between the "liberal bellyachers" (sometimes called the ACLU) and the "high and mighty moral superiors" (often members of a Christian church) in this country is the left would rather make their own moral decisions free of the morality police and the reich would rather dictate what's best for you and your family.

Bush made a really funny statement one day. In the same speech, he said that gays should not have the right to marry. To allow gay marriage would destroy the long historical foundation and institution of marriage as it has always existed between a man and a woman. (I think he needs to stop fact checking in the bible and look at real historical facts there) .. anyway, in another breath in the same speech he says that government needed to stay out of the lives of the American family and let them make decisions which best suite their situation and needs. WTF???!!?

Just a great example from a so-called leader where in America we are free so long as we do as we are told.

The double standards in this, the land of the free, seriously needs to come to an end. Maybe only then we will stop being the joke of a nation in this world.

The United Stated of America - Celebrating 250 years of hypocracy!

Logan 5
What a long strange trip its been
Premium Member
San Francisco, CA

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Logan 5

Premium Member

Not going to happen I'm afraid

As long as there's at least one sane person in the Utah Government that see this for what it is (nothing more then a novel idea doomed to failure) then this will just become a footnote in the history books.

You can't put this genie back in the bottle, not after over 15 years of the XXX trade have sites on many of the internet's oldest domain names. They will not allow themselves to be 'locked' in to any kind of restriction on their trade. The porn industry will not go quietly in response to ANY threat to it's livelihood and I'm sure that they will pursue ANY legal means of recourse available to them to squash this should it ever take any further steps to trying to become law in Utah....

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Not going to happen I'm afraid

said by Logan 5:

and I'm sure that they will pursue ANY legal means of recourse available to them to squash this should it ever take any further steps to trying to become law in Utah....
Read the slahdot piece, it is NOT a law for Utah, it is a RESOLUTION from a guy in SCO that Huntsman might sign that will go to the feds.

Logan 5
What a long strange trip its been
Premium Member
San Francisco, CA

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Logan 5

Premium Member

Re: Not going to happen I'm afraid

said by RayW:

said by Logan 5:

and I'm sure that they will pursue ANY legal means of recourse available to them to squash this should it ever take any further steps to trying to become law.
Read the slahdot piece, it is NOT a law for Utah, it is a RESOLUTION from a guy in SCO that Huntsman might sign that will go to the feds.
Ok, then remove the word Utah and it still means the same thing...

Premium Member
Layton, UT


Premium Member

Re: Not going to happen I'm afraid

Granted Logan. I do not recall this much furor when someone from another state proposed essentially the same thing a few years ago (which died a quiet death), but that may be because DSLR had a different demographics at the time.

3 brothers, 1 gone
Premium Member
Richmond, VA

1 recommendation

GlennLouEarl to Logan 5

Premium Member

to Logan 5
Porn will "go away" right after sex does... uhhh, never.

Anyone who ever tries to legislate (someone else's) morality is an idiot--"don't do unto others what you don't want done to you".
Jamaica, NY



Re: Not going to happen I'm afraid

said by GlennLouEarl:

Porn will "go away" right after sex does... uhhh, never.

Anyone who ever tries to legislate (someone else's) morality is an idiot--"don't do unto others what you don't want done to you".
If you ban sex, there are no more humans.

Premium Member
Earth, TX


Premium Member

.xxx or .prn

would make more sense.

This just makes it harder for technology-challenged parents to filter their children's browsing.
88615298 (banned)
West Tenness

88615298 (banned)


Re: .xxx or .prn

said by manfmmd:

would make more sense.

This just makes it harder for technology-challenged parents to filter their children's browsing.
Just as stupid. Say .XXX passes then the only way it works if if porn sites are foced to use .XXX only. But wait non US porn sites( over 50% of all porn sites ) don't have to abide by US laws so they won't use .XXX thus making .XXX pointless.

People need to learn that no one owns the internet thus trying to use "real world" laws are doomed to failure.

Why pass laws that just ecourage parents to continue to be lazy and make the government everyones kids babysitter. The government is the LAST thing I want babysitting my kid. they can't do anything right.

A little parenting goes a long way. It's not hard for a parnet to prevent your kids from seeing porn on the internet.

Ex .. Ex .. Exactly
Premium Member
Parsonsburg, MD


Premium Member

Channels? . . . we don't need no stinkin' channels.

. . . bizarre bit of legislation in Utah that suggests dividing the Internet into an "adult content channel" and a "family content channel."
Someone's been watching too much TV.

Goleta, CA



is this even possible?

Plus what happened to .xxx? Just using that seems easier.


Oc'D To Rhythm And Police
Premium Member
Tempe, AZ


Premium Member

What a stupid idea!

I've heard of some pretty half-cocked ideas before, but this has to be the most epically moronic idea to try to "regulate" the internet yet.


1 edit



Wrong place

Self Delete


Premium Member
South Richmond Hill, NY


Premium Member

Hey guys...guys....


Premium Member
Monmouth Junction, NJ


Premium Member

Re: Hey guys...guys....

Ha! You said "boobies!"

Now I am just curious whether or not this idea to take adult content to another "channel" means that we have to build more of Ted Steven's tubes to make room...
San Diego, CA



Re: Hey guys...guys....

First it was a "net", then "tubes", now "channels"?
I am so confused!

Premium Member
Perry, OH

1 edit


Premium Member


I am all for a xxx domain, but I think doing it via ports is nonsense and technically to difficult.

Filtering cuss words is kinda far fetched at the provider level, although the thought of an ISP offering it as a service for a subscriber on a one to one basis would be a good option for those that are concerned about it.

Premium Member
Saint Marys, WV


Premium Member

A Quick Question

Even if they assign pornography to a specific port or revive the .xxx domain suffix, just how are they planning to regulate servers out of US jurisdiction?

Wakefield, MA

1 recommendation



Wow !

20 Posts deep and no one has thought of this one !

Who will protect us from the boobs trying to get this passed !

For gods sake think of the children !

Glen Head, NY



I Am Surprised...

They did not go a step further and recommend that the port be numbered 666.


Premium Member
Scotch Plains, NJ


Premium Member


So, email travels through tubes and web sites are accessed through channels.

Did I get that correct?

Premium Member
Monmouth Junction, NJ


Premium Member

Re: Terminology

Just remember that there is a tremendous amount of material clogging those tubes...let's not overwhelm the tubes!

It's Not Polite To Stare.
Richardson, TX



Re: Terminology

said by cwy1980:

Just remember that there is a tremendous amount of material clogging those tubes...let's not overwhelm the tubes!
Maybe it's getting close to time for a tubular bypass...
Salt Lake City, UT

1 edit



Strong Beer!

I buy "Strong" beer at the nearest Military base!


Premium Member


Premium Member

RIDICULOUS... protect me from ads and let the boobies flow

All I want is less ads on the Internet. I don't care if there are 500 million new porn sites a day. I'm not magically directed to them. If I want to visit them then I will do so on my own time and choosing. Adults can already do plenty to protect children. They can set security measures and filters which will do more than enough to protect them from the evil of boobs. This is unnecessary to begin with. Why buy 5 new HDTVs when you just bought 7 last month that still work perfectly? No need.

"If it isn't broken don't fix it."
Wakefield, MA



Re: RIDICULOUS... protect me from ads and let the boobies flow

said by Obliteration:

All I want is less ads on the Internet. I don't care if there are 500 million new porn sites a day. I'm not magically directed to them. "
Look up hosts files on google. There are plenty who stop ads.

Even on the MSN pages I dont see ads now

Live life to its fullest
Premium Member
Walnut Creek, CA

1 recommendation


Premium Member


All this from a state that you can still find cases of polygamy.

Sociopaths always win.
Tulsa, OK



Re: Utah

yes, I hear Warren Jeffs has plenty of "ports"

Vista needs a popup blocker for Vista
Premium Member


Premium Member

I want Utah to go "sh!t" in their hat

But I don't think that is going to happen either.
Riverton, UT



Re: I want Utah to go "sh!t" in their hat

Huh? Ya want me to go "sh!t" in my hat? AW, ya mommas a Harley! LOL
I've got a better idea. everybody blow their cigarette smoke this way!! That'll teach em!

Seriously this state has some real losers running it and I am outnumbered and outgunned. But you have to admit they are fun to watch. And if you think Huntsmans fun check out Rocky Anderson.

And as far as being a beautiful place. Go on line and grab a map of The Trail of the Ancients, rent an RV and come see for your self. You won't regret it.

Or better yet do it on your Honda!!!

Vista needs a popup blocker for Vista
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: I want Utah to go "sh!t" in their hat

Actually I would trade you our Sacramento loser hacks for your hacks any day. As kooky as the Utah state gov't seems to be, ours in 100X worse.

Ogden, UT

1 edit



There are already plenty of nazi filters

There are already plenty of software companies that have filter software that blocks out a GOOD chunk of porn sites, so I don't know why its such a big deal. Solutions are already here.
Premium Member
Cypress, TX


Premium Member


Heheheh Karl said boobies....
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