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Revision History of Question #648 from FAQ site

Differences                   (Rev #23    vs    Current):
<p></p><p>In addition to the <a href="/front/ <p></p><p>In addition to the <a href="/front/ terms.html">terms of use</a> of the site? <sp | terms.html">terms of use</a> of the site? any an style="font-weight: bold;">all posts</span |  <span style="font-weight: bold;">posts< > are accepted at the discretion of dslreport | /span> you make may be blocked or remove s.com.</p><p></p><center><table bgcolor="blue | d at the discretion of staff and our voluntee "><tbody><tr><td><span style="font-weight: bo | r moderators if they break posting Rules. In ld;">Here are the hard rules</span>:</td></tr | extreme cases your account may also be banned ></tbody></table></center> | from posting temporarily? permanently or be <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> No u | removed. Posting rights on DSLReports are not ser of the site has any right to post anythin | automatically granted? and can be revoked.&n g they feel like posting. If a user posts? th | bsp;</p><p></p><center><table><tbody><tr><td> ey have to live with any editing or deletion | <span style="font-weight: bold;">Rules</span> or other moderator action <em>without public | </td></tr></tbody></table></center> complaint</em>. Private complaints can be add | <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" />  ressed via the <a href="/contacts">contacts p | ;The golden rule is the all our forums are fo age</a>.<p></p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net | r civil? evidence-based discussion. Users are /bred.gif" /> Any poster who flames others is | not permitted to post disingenuously or in a not posting according to the rules. Similar | ny manner calculated to upset others (this is ly? any poster who "trolls" is by definition | not to say negative or minority opinions are trying to induce flames <em>by</em> others an | disallowed). Moderation action can and does d is guilty of flaming by proxy. Neither is | take place to enforce this rule and the other allowed here.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.n | s listed below. Complaints or questions regar et/bred.gif" /> The discussion of "warez?" "c | ding moderation are allowed but only via the racks?" or the "how to" of uncapping modems i | <a href="/contacts">contacts page</a> or s not condoned on the site. Period.</p><p><im | the <a href="https://www.dslreports.com/foru g src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> Do not | m/heymods">Appeal to the mods</a> forum. take it upon yourself to point out where othe | <div><span style="font-weight:italic;"><p></p r members do not follow guidelines? because t | ><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" />& hat leads to more off-topic posts and even ar | nbsp;TROLLS and UN-CIVIL DISCUSSION: Any post guments. Use the "Hey Mod" button.</p><p><img | er who flames others is not posting according src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> Posting | to the rules. Similarly? any poster who "tr off-topic? or against the letter or spirit of | olls" is by definition trying to induce flame the forum description? is not posting accord | s <span style="font-weight:italic;">by others ing to the rules.</p><p><img src="http://i.ds | and is guilty of flaming by proxy. Neither lr.net/bred.gif" /> "Thread Crapping" occurs | is allowed here. Sexual? ethnic or racial slu when a person comes into a thread and posts s | rs are unacceptable and will result in i omething contrary to the intent of the thread | nstant banning.</span></p></span><p><span sty ? often derailing the discussion or turning i | le="font-weight:italic;"><img src="http://i.d t into an argument. If you feel the need to t | slr.net/bred.gif" /> ILLEGAL ACTIVITY: T urn a discussion into a debate? start a new t | he discussion of "warez?" "cracks?" or the "h hread instead.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr. | ow to" of uncapping modems is not allowed.</s net/bred.gif" /> Any poster who follows up IS | pan></p><p><span style="font-weight:italic;"> P reviews and flames or insults the reviewer? | <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" />  rather than commenting on the subject of the | ;BACK-SEAT MODERATION: Do not take it up review? is not posting according to the rule | on yourself to point out where other members s.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif | do not follow guidelines? because that leads " /> Any poster who sends obscene? threatenin | to more off-topic posts and even arguments. U g or insulting messages to any other users of | se the "Hey Mod" button.</span></p><p><span s the site is not posting according to the rul | tyle="font-weight:italic;"><img src="http://i es.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gi | .dslr.net/bred.gif" /> IGNORING GUIDELIN f" /> Any poster who uses a posting tag or si | ES FOR NEW TOPICS: Posting off-topic? or agai g line in an offensive manner? such as commen | nst the letter or spirit of the forum descrip ting negatively on another user? is not abidi | tion? is not posting according to the rules.< ng by site rules and may cause such sig or ta | /span></p><p><span style="font-weight:italic; g to vanish. </p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.n | "><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" />&nb et/bred.gif" /> You are prohibited from <a hr | sp;DERAILING TOPICS: occurs when a person com ef="http://www.dslreports.com/faq/6441">posti | es into a thread and posts something contrary ng instant messages in the forums</a> without | to the intent of the thread? often derailing the express consent of the author. </p><p><i | the discussion or turning it into an argumen mg src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> Privat | t. If you feel the need to turn a discussion e forums are just that. Private. In the cas | into a debate? start a new thread instead.</s e of the ISP Direct Forums? this means that d | pan></p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.g irect quotes are prohibited.</p><p><img src=" | if" /> INSULTS: Any poster who follows u http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> Articles shoul | p ISP reviews and flames or insults the revie d not be posted in their entirety. The accept | wer? rather than commenting on the subject of able way to post external articles is to part | the review? is not posting according to the ially quote? add some personal comments and g | rules.</p><p><span style="font-weight:italic; ive a full credit with a link back to the ori | "><img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" />&nb ginal site.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr.net | sp;THREATS and ABUSE via PMs: Any poster who /bred.gif" /> <span style="font-weight: bold; | sends obscene? threatening or insulting messa ">Referrals</span> are never permitted anywhe | ges to any other users of the site is not pos re on this site.</p><p><img src="http://i.dsl | ting according to the rules.</span></p><p><im r.net/bred.gif" /> Duplicate accounts are not | g src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> AB permitted on the site.</p><p><img src="http: | USING SITE CUSTOMISATION: Any poster who uses //i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> Any poster may be b | a posting tag or sig line in an offensive ma anned at any time by name? IP address or othe | nner? such as commenting negatively on anothe r identification without any prior warning an | r user? is not abiding by site rules and may d without any explanation given.</p><p></p><c | cause such sig or tag to vanish. </p><p><img enter><table bgcolor="blue"><tbody><tr><td><s | src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> EXPO pan style="font-weight: bold;">Here is the ki | SING PRIVATE COMMUNICATION: You are prohibite nder description</span>:</td></tr></tbody></t | d from <a href="http://www.dslreports.com/faq able></center> | /6441">posting instant messages in the forums > </a> without the express consent of the autho > r. In addition? any <span style="fo > nt-weight:italic;">Private forums are just th > at. Private. In the case of the ISP Direct > Forums? this means that direct quotes are pro > hibited.</span></p><p><img src="http://i.dslr > .net/bred.gif" /> COPYRIGHT: Articles sh > ould not be posted in their entirety. The acc > eptable way to post external articles is to p > artially quote? add some personal comments an > d give a full credit with a link back to the > original site.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr. > net/bred.gif" /> AFFILIATE PAYMENT LINKS > : are never permitted anywhere on this s > ite as they are often just spam.</p><p><img s > rc="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> DUPLI > CATE ACCOUNTS: Duplicate accounts are not per > mitted and detection will result in removal o > f all accounts.</p><p><img src="http://i.dslr > .net/bred.gif" /> BANNING PROCESS of LAS > T RESORT: If nothing else works? any poster m > ay be banned at any time by name? IP address > or other identification? without any prior wa > rning? and without any explanation given.</p> > <p>AGE: Age 12 and under are prohibited from > posting.</p><p></p><center><table bgcolor="bl > ue"><tbody><tr><td><span style="font-weight: > bold;">Here is the kinder description</span>: > </td></tr></tbody></table></center><em><em><e > m><em><em><em><em> <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> If y <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> If y ou are not disruptive? and you express your o ou are not disruptive? and you express your o pinions in an intelligent way? your contribut pinions in an intelligent way? your contribut ions will not be edited or deleted? and you w ions will not be edited or deleted? and you w ill not be banned. 99.999% of our users do no ill not be banned. 99.999% of our users do no t run afoul of any of the "hard rules."<p></p t run afoul of any of the "hard rules."<p></p ><p></p><center><table bgcolor="red"><tbody>< ><p></p><center><table bgcolor="red"><tbody>< tr><td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Moder tr><td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Moder ators are instructed not to argue over action ators are instructed not to argue over action s they take!</span></td></tr></tbody></table> s they take!</span></td></tr></tbody></table> </center> </center> <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> If y <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bred.gif" /> If y ou have any issue with forum moderation? plea ou have any issue with forum moderation? plea se <span style="font-weight: bold;">do not ra se <span style="font-weight: bold;">do not ra ise your gripe in the public forums</span>. W ise your gripe in the public forums</span>. W e do suggest that you ask the <a href="http:/ e do suggest that you ask the <a href="http:/ /www.dslreports.com/faq/4563">moderators of t /www.dslreports.com/faq/4563">moderators of t he forum</a> as a first step if you have a co he forum</a> as a first step if you have a co ncern.  If the answer is not satisfactor ncern.  If the answer is not satisfactor y? or you have other concerns? we have a new y? or you have other concerns? we have a new system which has been created for questions a system which has been created for questions a bout moderation which you wish to keep privat bout moderation which you wish to keep privat e. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/heymods f e. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/heymods f unctions in a similar fashion to the way our unctions in a similar fashion to the way our ISP Direct forums do. Only a poster and site ISP Direct forums do. Only a poster and site admins/lead mods can see a topic in the foru admins/lead mods can see a topic in the foru m. No other user will see your topic? so fee m. No other user will see your topic? so fee l free to ask in privacy. Please remember tha l free to ask in privacy. Please remember tha t forum moderators follow guidelines but t forum moderators follow guidelines but are not robots? and they are all volunteers are not robots? and they are all volunteers (or they <em>are</em> volunteered). | (or they <span style="font-weight:italic <p></p><p></p><center><table width="85%" bgco | ;">are</span> volunteered).<p></p><p></p lor="#878787" border="1"><tbody><tr><td align | ><center><table width="85%" bgcolor="#878787" ="center">If you have issues with site modera | border="1"><tbody><tr><td align="center">If tion? please take it up <span style="font-wei | you have issues with site moderation? please ght: bold;">only</span> with <br /><img src=" | take it up <span style="font-weight: bold;">o http://i.dslr.net/nav/w50/76/18/807618.gif" / | nly</span> with <br /><img src="http://i.dslr > | .net/nav/w50/76/18/807618.gif" /> <br /><a hr <a href="/useremail/u/807618"> <span style="f | ef="/useremail/u/807618"> <span style="font-w ont-weight: bold;">fourboxers</span></a><br / | eight: bold;">fourboxers</span></a><br />or v >or via email at <span style="font-weight: bo | ia email at <span style="font-weight: bold;"> ld;">mods@dslr.net</span><br />You ruin any c | mods@dslr.net</span><br />You ruin any chance hance for a hearing by seeking explanations a | for a hearing by seeking explanations any ot ny other way.</td></tr></tbody></table></cent | her way.</td></tr></tbody></table></center> er> < <p></p><p></p> <p></p><p></p> > </em></em></em></em></em></em></em></div>