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Revision History of Question #17952 from FAQ site

Differences                   (Rev #2    vs    Current):
You may be reading this FAQ entry if your acc You may be reading this FAQ entry if your acc ount has been banned from using the site. Nea ount has been banned from using the site. Nea rly every ban is because of content that has rly every ban is because of content that has been posted that moderators consider does not been posted that moderators consider does not abide by the site rules.<div><br /></div><di abide by the site rules.<div><br /></div><di v>Permanent account bans are a last resort? a v>Permanent account bans are a last resort? a fter warnings and temporary bans have been ig fter warnings and temporary bans have been ig nored. We may also ban accounts we strongly s nored. We may also ban accounts we strongly s uspect are duplicate or controlled by the sam uspect are duplicate or controlled by the sam e individual that been banned previously. Per e individual that been banned previously. Per manent bans can only be given after a randoml manent bans can only be given after a randoml y selected group of moderators agree? in the y selected group of moderators agree? in the majority? that a ban is warranted.<div><br /> majority? that a ban is warranted.<div><br /> </div><div>Ignoring these: <a href="http </div><div>Ignoring these: <a href="http ://www.dslreports.com/faq/648">http://www.dsl ://www.dslreports.com/faq/648">http://www.dsl reports.com/faq/648</a> guidelines on co reports.com/faq/648</a> guidelines on co mmunity conduct can result in banning.</div>< mmunity conduct can result in banning.</div>< /div><div><br /></div><div>Since permanent ba /div><div><br /></div><div>Since permanent ba ns are a last resort? they are rarely reverse ns are a last resort? they are rarely reverse d. If you believe a mistake has been made ple d. If you believe a mistake has been made ple ase use the site contact page.</div> | ase use the site contact page.</div><div><br > /></div><div>If your IP is believed to be run > ning malicious software? for example to auto- > post spam or be running a bot? then it may al > so be banned.</div>