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Revision History of Question #17922 from FAQ site

Differences                   (Rev #2    vs    Current):
The hardware knowledge base is being built to The hardware knowledge base is being built to list consumer or pro-sumer broadband network list consumer or pro-sumer broadband network gear: Routers? Cable Modems? DSL Modems? Acc | gear. Before taking the trouble to suggest a ess Points?<span style="text-decoration: line | missing entry please read this.<div><br /></ -through;"> Switches</span>? Multi-function d | div><div>First? before submitting any entry? evices? I<span style="text-decoration: line-t | always check to make sure your entry isn't al hrough;">P enabled print servers</span>? VOIP | ready in the database. If the entry is in the hardware? ONTs.<div><br /></div><div>We are | database under a different model name or num NOT currently accepting entries for:</div><di | ber? IM one of the hardware editors on the "m v><ul><li>enterprise gear</li><li>dedicated 4 | eet the editors" page and they'll add the sec 6 8 port switches</li><li>ethernet adapters< | ond name to the existing entry or fix the pro /li><li>USB devices</li><li>entire PCs? or PC | blem.</div><div><br /></div><div><div>We ARE s-on-a-board</li><li>network attached storage | currently accepting new entries for:</div><bl boxes</li><li>"internet of things" devices</ | ockquote style="margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: n li></ul></div><div>There is however a SOFTWAR | one; padding: 0px;"></blockquote><ul><li>Cabl E category for router and firewalls "in a box | e Modems</li><li>DSL Modems</li><li>Routers</ " such as pfSense that could substitute for h | li><li>Access Points and Extenders (not USB)< ardware when run on "some old PC"? or for ope | /li><li>Multi-function devices</li><li>VOIP h n source software that can be flashed to exis | ardware</li><li>ONTs.</li></ul><div><div>We a ting gadgets such as dd-wrt. But no for comme | re NOT currently accepting entries for:</div> rcial software utilities.</div><div><br /></d | <div><ul><li>Enterprise gear</li><li>Dedicate iv><div>Please do not be annoyed if your care | d 4 6 or 8 port switches</li><li>Ethernet ada ful description of something is not currently | pters</li><li>USB devices</li><li>Entire PCs? accepted.</div> | or PCs-on-a-board</li><li>Network attached s > torage boxes</li><li>"internet of things" dev > ices</li></ul></div><div>There is however a S > OFTWARE category for router and firewalls "in > a box" such as pfSense that could substitute > for hardware when run on "some old PC"? or f > or open source software that can be flashed t > o existing gadgets such as dd-wrt. But no for > commercial software utilities.</div><div><br > /></div><div>If you see an entry that has is > sues? should not be there? and so on? please > IM a hardware editor or flag it (if there is > a flag function visible on the page).</div> > </div> > </div>