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Location: Tustin, CA
Joined:March 10th 2001, @07:51PM
Membership:Premium ExMod 2001
Member of:
·Technology Law & Politics
Editor of these FAQs:
·DSLR Mail
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On these maps:·Members Tech
·Members Services
Last seen:2023-08-03 17:31:51
SignatureStephen J. Friedl | Unix Wizard | Security Consultant | KA8CMY | Southern California USA | my web site


� Internet security
� Unix/Win32 Communications controllers
� Amateur radio
� Amateur ornithology

my age:

born 7 August 1962

favourite classic film:


I'm available for hire:

• Medium-end network security audits & penetrations tests• Communications controllers (TCP/IP and serial)

My day job:

Internet security consultant

Why do I like broadband?:

Cheap. Fast. Reliable.

Inspirational Text:

"It's sad that we judge others by their actions and ourselves by our motives" - unknown

On TV I'm watching..:

I don't own a TV

Recommended books:

� Hacking Exposed -- the boys at Foundstone� Real World Linux Security - Bob Toxen� A Conflict of Visions - Thomas Sowell

I have a website also!:


About my Avatar/Username:

My avatar is the logo I've used on my business cards and letterhead for more than 15 years, and it has no symbolic meaning. It was simply easy to design in Encapsulated PostScript, and the full background is here. Sadly, I've now used up my one decent creative idea that I get during my lifetime.

My fav. online games..:

Don't -- way too expensive.

My first name:


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