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Fairless Hills, PA



[Equip] Questions About New Arris S33v2

I just got my new Arris S33v2 up and running. It actually activated fine via the Xfinity iOS app, but a tip for future users ... the initial welcome screen on the app said I was offline (using cell service obviously) and asked if I had new equipment to activate. When I followed the prompts to enter my MAC, it kept saying 'something went wrong' or it couldn't find the MAC. You need to go to the 'account' tab at the bottom and activate new equipment via the account tab. Those prompts asked if I was activating my own modem and then asked for the manufacturer and MAC. It then activated in a few minutes. I think many people may just try to activate a customer owned modem via the main welcome page since it asks right from the start if you have new equipment.

Anyway, service and speed are fine ... not faster upload as the S33 isn't compatible, but signals look fine. Here are my questions, as I'm coming from an older DOCSIS 3.0 SB6183:

1) My regular downstream is running ~ 2-5 db with SNR ~ 42-44. But my OFDM is running lower with a ton of increasing correctable errors:

193 Locked OFDM PLC 690000000 Hz 0 dBmV 41 dB 16655553 0
194 Locked OFDM PLC 957000000 Hz -4 dBmV 38 dB 16845532 0

I'm assuming the above is normal?

2) I'm able to access my modem diagnostics without issue via direct connect to the modem and also no problems via my router. BUT, I can't ping via direct connect or modem. All other pings seem to work fine. Is it normal for the S33 to block pings via My firmware is:


As mentioned everything is working fine. The Xfinity website is showing 'We're having trouble finding a signal' and the status center shows 'status unavailable'. But when I check the www.xfinity.com/support/devices webpage it does say I'm using an Arris S33v2.

I figure if everything is working fine, there's no point is messing around anymore

Premium Member
Seattle, WA

2 recommendations


Premium Member

said by Brocktoon:

But my OFDM is running lower with a ton of increasing correctable errors

Normal for OFDM to have errors.
Fairless Hills, PA




For the heck of it I did try a factory reset, but it didn't fix the ping being blocked. It's not a huge issue, but could make troubleshooting a bit of a problem down the line if I can't ping the modem.

There also doesn't seem to be a way to clear the modem logs on the S33. A power cycle / reboot didn't clear the logs. When I factory reset the event log cleared, but I wouldn't want to do a full reset when the log list starts getting long. The SB6183 has a 'clear log' button