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Review by tired_runner See Profile

  • Location: CT
  • Cost: $40 per month (month by month)
  • Install: about 7 days
Fast speeds, low latency, so far reliable.
I couldn't get this sooner
It is a superb product. Get it.
Pre Sales Information:
Install Co-ordination:
Connection reliability:
Value for money:

Unfortunately, my review of Frontier Fiber is prefaced with an unfavorable undertone. I live in a multi-dwelling unit, and their current deployment process for this type of residence could use a lot of work. Based on my own experience, if you live in a condo like I do, then your personal success in getting Frontier Fiber will be ultimately and directly attributed to your own efforts in working with them, your building management and Board, and potentially unit owners as well. I'll explain what this means.

The process for getting Frontier Fiber installed at my building started early in 2023. As with all things related to a community setting such as a co-op or condo, it all starts with a proposal to the Board, and seeking permission to proceed. It will help tremendously if you can sell the Board into the idea by connecting the dots for them; It will raise property values, it will give everyone another option for internet, etc, etc. But as one would imagine, you can compare this step of the process with a love/hate relationship to your wife or husband. (I'm not married but have friends who are, so I can relate.) If you have a contentious relationship with your Board, this is where the process probably stops dead on arrival. Fortunately for me, I am in good standing and spirits with the Board of my building. I suppose it also helps if you are part of the Board of your building, which I am, but I digress. The Board was on board (You see what I did there) with this, and so this moved forward.

After approval of the Board, came the legwork. And again to reiterate what I said above, your own effort will determine your success. This means you own the project soup to nuts, even though you're mostly playing facilitator with Frontier.

We did a walk-through at my building with the engineering team and their contractors. Notes were taken, possible methods of entry and implementation were discussed, and follow-ups were promised afterwards. I reiterated with Frontier that the method of installation and pathway for the fiber must be independent and not rely on access to individual units. Otherwise, it would require lock-step cooperation and coordination with everyone. And well, people can be people.

Sometime shortly after the walk-through, the design and implementation was put together, and it all seemed ready to go. But unlucky for me sometime during Summer or Fall 2023, some things changed at Frontier, and the deployment for my building was seemingly dead. This is when I was forced to think outside of the box and become persistent with Frontier.

Gazillion emails and phone calls later, the solution for my building boiled down to money. This is a small complex, and understandably, Frontier did not want to expend capital and resources at a location where it forecast very little customer uptake. In turn, I proposed paying them to bring it here. Finally, we reached a cost-sharing agreement. I was sent an invoice, and I mailed them back a check. And just like that, sometime in August 2023 the Frontier troops were here bringing the long-awaited fiber.

Wheew.... I think you're exhausted by now from reading my review. Yup. Just imagine how it felt for me to get this.

The service is top-notch. The installation comprises of a direct fiber run from a fiber hub installed outside my building, to a demarcation point inside my unit. From the demarcation point, you will get another fiber run to your Optical Network Terminal (ONT). From the ONT, you connect an Ethernet patch cord to the router or firewall of your choice.

I ordered 500/500 tier. It is plenty for my needs. It is very fast, and latency is very low. I use my connection mostly for work, YouTube TV, and Netflix. All three work very well through this connection.

In short; You will be happy with Frontier Fiber. If you live in a condo, good luck. They will get to you, eventually.

Kudos to Frontier. It is an excellent product.

member for 23.9 years, 11058 visits, last login: a few hours ago
updated 187 days ago