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Police have indicted Brazil's ex-president for alleged money laundering over undeclared Saudi Arabian diamonds

Brazil's former president Jair Bolsonaro has been indicted for alleged money laundering in connection with undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia.
A black box containing a diamond necklace, earrings, watch and ring.

Union takes aim at WA's work safety regulator over refusal to prosecute oil and gas giant

Three years on from an incident at an offshore platform in WA where workers had to scramble for their lives, the offshore workers' union is calling for "heads to roll" at WorkSafe WA following a decision not to pursue prosecution.

'Just not acceptable': Perth builder has 236 unfinished homes as dozens complain to building commissioner

Hundreds of Nicheliving customers, who have been waiting more than two years past their scheduled completion dates, have been pleading with regulators to intervene.
An unfinished home building site.

The entrepreneurial generation: Why Gen Z-ers want to work for themselves

Bianca Purdie moved straight into nine-to-five work after school but soon burnt out. Now the owner of her own business, like four in five Gen Z-ers, she says she would rather work for herself.
Young woman dressed in black holding a large camera, sitting on a bed and smiling.

Extension cord running across a footpath to charge an EV sparks fierce debate

A morning walker posted a photo to social media of the electrical cord stretching from the top floor of a unit block to the car parked at the curb side.  A debate about EV etiquette followed.
Extension cord running along pavement and grass charging an Electric vehicle

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Business Analysis

analysis:Bernie Madoff's big mistake? Not setting up his Ponzi scheme in a country where the corporate regulator is asleep at the wheel

Australia's corporate regulator has long been widely seen as weak and ineffectual. Will this week's Senate report spur a break with its chequered past?

analysis:Do you love renting? Does it make you feel patriotic?

Why did we make it harder for younger Australians and low-income workers to own homes? Did we forget some wisdom from the past?

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