The Traveller Book

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The Traveller Book
Traveller Book.jpg
Author Marc Miller
Publisher Game Designers Workshop
Version Classic Traveller
Edition 1st
Format Book (Hardback)
Language English
Pages 160
Year Published 1982
Canonical Yes
Available from RPGNow
Also See Vargr
Product #201

The Traveller Book is a Game Designers Workshop product.

  • It is an adeventure source book with several adventure-scenarios written for Classic Traveller.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The complete core rulebook for Classic Traveller, this included the contents of Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3, together with extra material, in particular three adventures:

Table of Contents[edit]

Classic Traveller:
The Traveller Book
Section Page/s
Introduction 9
Characters 17
Personal Combat 33
Travel 49
Starship Economics 52
Ship Design and Construction 56
Computers 70
Space Combat 72
Worlds 80
Animal Encounters 90
Encounters 98
Experience 103
Trade and Commerce 104
Drugs 106
Equipment 107
Vehicles 110
Psionics 116
Basic Traveller Activities 122
Referee's Guide to Adventuring 123
Adventure: Into the Subsector 126
Adventure: Shadows 130
Adventure: Exit Visa 141
Travellers Guide to the Universe 147
Regina Subsector 150
Library Data 152
Pre-Generated Characters 157
Animal Encounter Tables 158
The Traveller Series 159

Library Data Entries (Public)[edit]

Library Data: [1]

  1. Astrography [2]
  2. Capital [3]
  3. Civil War [4]
  4. Client State [5]
  5. Confederation [6]
  6. Directions, Galactic [7]
  7. Dating Systems [8]
  8. Efate [9]
  9. Empire [10]
  10. Express Boats [11]
  11. Federation [12]
  12. Festival [13]
  13. First Imperium [14]
  14. Forboldn [15]
  15. Frontier Wars [16]
  16. Heya [17]
  17. Holiday Year [18]
  18. Humaniti [19]
  19. Humans [20]
  20. Interdiction [21]
  21. Ling-Standard Products [22]
  22. Megacorporation [23]
  23. Menorb [24]
  24. Naasirka [25]
  25. Naval Base [26]
  26. Oberlindes Lines [27]
  27. Octagon Society [28]
  28. Pscias [29]
  29. Pyramids [30]
  30. Regina [31]
  31. Regina Subsector [32]
  32. Research Station [33]
  33. Roup [34]
  34. Rethe [35]
  35. Ruie [36]
  36. Rule of Man [37]
  37. Scout Base [38]
  38. Second Imperium [39]
  39. Sector [40]
  40. Shionthy [41]
  41. Solomani [42]
  42. Solomani Hypothesis [43]
  43. Spinward Main [44]
  44. Spinward Marches [45]
  45. Strephon [46]
  46. Subsector [47]
  47. Third Imperium [48]
  48. Tukera Lines [49]
  49. Twilight's Peak [50]
  50. Vilani [51]
  51. Way Station [52]
  52. Yori [53]
  53. Zhodani [54]

Library Data Entries (Automated)[edit]

Library data entries

Selected Drugs[edit]

Drugs: [55]

  1. TBD

Selected Equipment (Combat)[edit]

Weaponry: [56]

  1. TBD

Body Armor: [57]

  1. TBD

Selected Equipment (Non-combat)[edit]

Communication Devices: [58]

  1. TBD

Personal Devices: [59]

  1. TBD

Personal Equipment: [60]

  1. TBD

Sensory Aids: [61]

  1. TBD

Shelters: [62]

  1. TBD

Tools: [63]

  1. TBD

Selected Form/s & Terms[edit]


  1. TBD


  1. TBD

Selected Ships[edit]

Ships [64]

  1. TBD

Selected Smallcraft[edit]

Smallcraft: [65]

  1. TBD

Selected Vehicles[edit]

Vehicles: [66]

  1. TBD

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Traveller Book is an early Classic Traveller rules, adventure, and source book.

  • It compiles and updates Books 1, 2, and 3 as well as includes new materials and lavish illustrations seen nowhere else in Traveller publication.

Available in both hardcover and paperback. The hardbook version was also available with and without a dust jacket. The hardcover dust jacket and the cover of the paperback where as shown in the picture above. When available without the dust jacket, the hardcover was similar to a scaled up Little Black Book in appearance.

The Classic Traveller core rules actually exist in three different rulesets. Logic would suggest using the most recent released edition; but in this case, there are rules elements of interest to the collector which would not be included.

The original 1977 release of Traveller contained three books – Characters and Combat, Starships, and Worlds and Adventures. This set of rules contains everything needed to play Traveller. However, in 1981, GDW took advantage of a need to reprint the core rules to also address and clean up the rules. This "second edition" actually adds quite a bit to the rules, but there are also some items dropped from the rules. This second edition also incorporated errata printed in Book 4Mercenary for the original 1977 edition.

This cleaned up "second edition" would be used for producing The Traveller Book in 1982, along with some additional material, including a special introduction for new players, two adventures, and additional details on what was becoming the Official Traveller Universe (OTU). Some additional rules did slip into The Traveller Book that appear nowhere else.

Finally, in 1983, GDW released Starter Traveller, intended at giving a younger audience a streamlined and simpler set of Traveller rules. This release dropped some of the more complicated rules, but added a different starship combat system (using range bands, much like the personal combat system, as opposed to vector movement) which many consider a great improvement on the original. Except where noted, Starter Traveller uses the 1981 edition rules.

Finally, other minor Classic Traveller rules appeared in other releases (notably Mayday, Snapshot, and the Alien Modules) which some referees and players of the Classic Traveller rules will find useful without adopting the game models in those products. This document presents a collection of rules elements for purchasers of FFE's The Classic Books 0 - 8 to give them access to these lost rules not available in the Classic Reprints collection. [67]

Credits (Primary Sources)[edit]

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Author Marc Miller
Contributors Frank Chadwick, John Harshman, and Loren Wiseman
Jacket Illustration William H. Keith, Jr.
Artists D.J. Barr, Liz Danforth, David Deitrick, Richard Hentz, Jennell Jaquays, William H. Keith, Jr., Robert Liebman, John M. Morrison, and Kevin Siembieda

External Link/s[edit]

Commentary & Data articles:




Other Articles:


References & Contributions (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152-156.
  2. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  3. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  4. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  5. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  6. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  7. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152.
  8. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 152-153.
  9. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  10. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  11. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  12. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  13. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  14. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153.
  15. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 153-154.
  16. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  17. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  18. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  19. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  20. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  21. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  22. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  23. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  24. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  25. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  26. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  27. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154.
  28. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 154-155.
  29. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  30. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  31. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  32. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  33. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  34. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  35. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  36. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155.
  37. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 155-156.
  38. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  39. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  40. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  41. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  42. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  43. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  44. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  45. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  46. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  47. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  48. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  49. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  50. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  51. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  52. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  53. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  54. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 156.
  55. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 106.
  56. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 107-109, 114.
  57. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 107-109, 114.
  58. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  59. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  60. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  61. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  62. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  63. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 114.
  64. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 56-69.
  65. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 56-69, 114.
  66. Marc Miller. The Traveller Book (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), 110-114.
  67. Don McKinney. Lost Rules of Traveller (Far Future Enterprises, 2010), 2.