I want to resume download from dropbox using wget. I was downloading a file

wget -O SQLyog.exe "https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfv2z0le0c2bo7z/SQLyog-9.3.3-0Trial.exe?dl=1"


Length: 15775640 (15M) [application/x-msdos-program]
Saving to: ‘SQLyog.exe’

 5% [====>                  ] 810,391     12.3KB/s  eta 18m 39s

The size of file now is

lh SQLyog.exe 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prayagupd prayagupd 1008K Dec 18 18:01 SQLyog.exe

When I try to resume the download after interruption; with following command,

## with shortened url
wget -O SQLyog.exe --continue "http://bit.ly/1x22r8H"

## or with actual url
wget -O SQLyog.exe --continue "https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfv2z0le0c2bo7z/SQLyog-9.3.3-0Trial.exe?dl=1"

Length: 15775640 (15M) [application/x-msdos-program]
Saving to: ‘SQLyog.exe’

 0% [                          ] 0           --.-K/s   in 0s      

Cannot write to ‘SQLyog.exe’ (Success).

It tells me Cannot write, is there anything I'm missing to resume this or my script itself is wrong?

enter image description here

I also tried --tries=0 but got same error,

wget -O SQLyog.exe --continue --tries=0 "https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfv2z0le0c2bo7z/SQLyog-9.3.3-0Trial.exe?dl=1"

wget --trust-server-names -O SQLyog.exe --continue --tries=0 "https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfv2z0le0c2bo7z/SQLyog-9.3.3-0Trial.exe?dl=1"

Without the filename (-O SQLyog.exe) it saves to some random file but starting download from scratch again.

But I tried resume on another link which is working fine.

wget -O ubuntu-14.10-server-powerpc.iso http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/14.10/release/ubuntu-14.10-server-powerpc.iso

followed by,

wget -O ubuntu-14.10-server-powerpc.iso --continue http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/14.10/release/ubuntu-14.10-server-powerpc.iso

Not sure if dropbox server is not allowing this resume service.



  • Some servers aren't able to resume downloads... Commented Feb 5, 2017 at 16:23


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