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  • Kerry and Charles Hine sit for a photo in front of an old house

    Up to 100,000 may have undiagnosed forms of dementia in England

  • A young man by a blue-lit bed looking out the window

    Review dismisses claims youth suicides rose after NHS curbed puberty blockers

    UK government adviser’s report says claims not supported by data and could prompt under-18s to take own life
  • A GP sitting at a keyboard

    NHS patients turned away as Microsoft IT outages hit GP surgeries

    Delays and disruption at GP practices with doctors unable to access patients’ records or refer them on to hospitals
  • White isolated Postit Note<br>get the Memo

    What one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

  • A care home nurse with a resident in a wheelchair

    English councils call for further delay to social care costs cap

  • A prison security gate

    MoJ cuts maximum time high-risk offenders spend in hostel supervision

  • Shadow of man holding arm of woman in dark room

    Domestic violence perpetrators could be tracked by specialised agency, Australian crime institute says

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Interviews & opinion

  • Eva Wiseman

    We need more than trompe-l’oeil to fix our housing crisis

    Eva Wiseman
  • Weathered-looking white woman wearing pink and blue sunhat holds up bright orange piece of paper, with tents on green grass behind her.

    ‘Terrifying and dystopian’: the dark realities of the supreme court’s homelessness decision

  • Tony Sinclair, who formerly lived in a tent outside a hospital in central London

    ‘My state pension was £880 – and my rent was £1,000’: how a 70-year-old man became homeless in Britain

  • Marjolein Robertson standing in front of a wall hanging with colourful circular pattern.

    The period that almost killed me: ‘My mam was told, if you take her home, she won’t last the night’

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  • Peyo the horse licks the hands of Roger, a patient at the palliative care centre at Calais Hospital.

    ‘Doctor Peyo’: the horse comforting cancer patients in Calais – in pictures

  • illustration

    An illness in the shadows: life with borderline personality disorder

    BPD is one of the mental illnesses we still know least about, but now there is hope of a treatment
  • Yoni Yehuda, an Israeli psychotherapist, with Jack Daniels.

    Cats, camels and a Jesus lizard: the rise of animal-assisted therapy

    Once considered eccentric, using animals in psychotherapy is becoming popular as research reveals benefits
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  • A woman waits in the shadows

    My working week: ‘I wonder who buys sex from the vulnerable women I try to help’

  • ‘Minor changes make a big difference for disabled people.’

    My working week: 'Julie is disabled and the only one in her team made redundant'

  • GPs have had to adapt patient care during the pandemic.

    My working week: 'A patient arrives at my GP surgery with Covid symptoms'

  • ‘Faith feels lost after the removal of her children. So much of what she knows about herself is as a mother.’ Picture posed by model.

    My working week: 'Fiona's son was taken into care a year ago. Today is his birthday'

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  • A screen above the entrance to the baggage claim area displays a Microsoft error message on Friday, July 19, 2024 at the Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine.

    Microsoft IT outage
    Slow recovery from IT outage begins as experts warn of future risks

  • Invitro fertilisation.

    Price caps could help end IVF postcode lottery

    Letter: There are practicable solutions to restore fertility provision in this country, writes consultant in reproductive medicine Geeta Nargund
  • Two women in face masks walk past a wall with many hearts drawn on it.

    Covid inquiry
    UK in ‘worse state’ to deal with pandemic than before Covid, say experts

    Health professionals argue inequalities, crisis in NHS and pressure in care homes leave Britain vulnerable
  • Opinion
    I treat transgender children – banning puberty blockers is not a decision for politicians to make

    Aidan Kelly
  • Texas
    Texas city to vote on ban on people helping patients traveling for abortion

  • Bird flu
    Extreme heat may be crucial factor in human spread of bird flu

  • Sali Hughes on beauty
    Sunbeds increase the risk of skin cancer, whatever TikTok tells you

  • Patient receiving chemotherapy

    Watching my cancer patients go through treatment alone is heartbreaking

    Lucy Gossage
    Covid-19 has made this year tougher for those experiencing treatment and those of us who work in cancer care
  • Surgery

    I tried to take my life five years ago. Now I'm grateful to be alive

    Anonymous surgeon
  • Emergency service ambulance with blue lights flashing

    There's a patient I'll never forget. Their burns and screams still haunt me

  • A protestor outside the Scottish parliament building

    My husband is in a care home. I visit him for 30 minutes each week in a car park

  • Catherine Pointer University of Southampton general hospital

    I was diagnosed with cancer at 14. Now I work alongside a doctor who treated me

    Catherine Pointer
  • Anonymous as told to Sarah Johnson

    I'm disabled but was told I won't receive critical care if I get Covid. It's terrifying

    Anonymous as told to Sarah Johnson
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  • A girl wearing a white dress and angel's wings stands in a room with supernatural light coming through cracks in the ceiling.

    Film honours 41 ‘heroines’ lost in Guatemala children’s home fire

  • A care home worker carries a meal to a room

    Health groups call for social care minimum wage to avert staffing crisis in England

  • A generic bedside blood-pressure check on a patient by a nurse

    The Guardian view on hospices: these special places can’t afford to be hidden

  • eviction notice on a door

    When social housing policy leaves children bereaved and homeless

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Central & local government

  • Jo Swinson sitting behind a desk

    Jo Swinson criticises ‘duplicitous’ civil servants at Post Office inquiry

  • Two phone boxes in poor state of repair

    ‘Ugly’ phone boxes that blight UK streets should be removed, says thinktank

  • UK General Election 2024

    Message to Labour: don’t bully local parties in the next election

  • Baroness Heather Hallett

    Covid inquiry: Hallett prescribes ‘red teams’ as antidote to flawed thinking

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  • Ampleforth College

    Ampleforth inquiry finds alleged serious abuse against pupils in last 10 years

  • A prison officer walks across an empty landing of a prison

    Labour must avoid release of high-risk offenders in prison plans, charity warns

  • A multicoloured screenprint of Kate Moss

    Top UK auction house told to stop taking buyer’s premium for charity sales

  • Oslo 19861125 Leah Levin i Oslo for å snakke om barnearbeid. Foto: Svein E. Furulund / Aftenposten / NTB scanpix Fysisk loc. 77.00

    Leah Levin obituary

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  • Dortheavej residence in Copenhagen

    Putting design first: six social housing projects from around the world

    • Desert in Namibia

      ‘People think they’ll smell but they don’t’: building homes from mushroom waste and weeds

    • Houses under construction

      Developers welcome Labour’s intention to liberalise planning regime

    • Keir Starmer, with Angela Rayner to his right an Rachel Reeves to his left, speaking at the dispatch box in the House of Commons

      The king’s speech sounded a bit like Labour governments of old. But only a bit

    • A person using a single-use vaping product

      Scotland and Westminster join forces on vaping, rail and renting reform

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