Program Planning Group

"UC Berkeley's IT professionals work together to provide the tools, data, and infrastructure the campus community needs to continue to grow as the world's greatest public research university."


The One IT Program Planning Group (PPG) reviews and recommends major changes to the direction of the One IT Strategic Plan based on feedback from campus leaders and the One IT Community. It guides the planning process and ensures IT priorities align with Berkeley's campus strategic plan. The PPG advises the One IT Program Manager on improving engagement around strategy across One IT.

  • Coordinate Top Priority Initiatives: Assist One IT Leaders in selecting the Strategic Plan’s Top Priority Initiatives and defining and choosing the right measures of success for each. 

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensure that Top Priority Initiatives support campus strategies, initiatives, and business needs.

  • Steward and Support Initiatives: Guide and advise the Top Priority Initiatives through yearly Priority Initiative Report (PIR) discussions.


PPG members consist of three ex-officio positions, a co-chair or elected member from the IT Community Council, and two graduates from either the MOR Leadership Program (MLP) or the UC Tech Leadership Academy. The composition of the group will be a reflective representation of the departments, demographics, and diversity across campus. 

Program Planning Group (PPG)

Tracy Schroeder Tracy Schroeder, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information Officer Luis Hernández Muñiz Luis O. Hernández Muñiz, Director, Productivity & Collaboration Services, Berkeley IT
Tyler Crooks Tyler Crooks, Health System Analyst Supervisor, University Health Services Erfan Mojaddam Erfan Mojaddam, Deputy Chief Academic Technology Officer and Director of Learning Technologies and Spaces, Research, Teaching, and Learning (RTL)
Gabe Gonzalez, Interim CIO and Assistant Dean at UC Berkeley School of Law

Gabriel Gonzalez, Interim CIO and Assistant Dean at UC Berkeley School of Law

Terence Phuong, CFO

Terence PhuongExecutive Director, Business Operations, Interim Executive Director, Strategy & Partnerships, Berkeley IT, and Chief Financial Officer

Casey Hennig

Casey Hennig, One IT Program Manager, Berkeley IT

Jennifer Sierras Jennifer Sierras, Chief Technology Officer, University Development & Alumni Relations