Please review: Acceptable Use of Berkeley Technology Resources Policy proposed consolidation

May 28, 2024

Dear campus community, 

Six policies and additional related documents define acceptable use of the University’s technology resources.* To promote ease of reference and to follow best practices common at other institutions, Berkeley IT invites you to review a proposed consolidation of these terms into a single policy. We have updated the campus Computer Use Policy to incorporate these terms of acceptable use and have renamed it, “Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Policy (AUP).” 

Changes are limited to consolidating and reorganizing content, and updating links, references, and terminology; the meaning and scope are unchanged. 

Review & Provide Feedback by June 14

Keeping these goals in mind, we invite you to review the draft policy and to share your feedback on the questions below at by Friday, June 14, 2024. 

  • Do you find that the intended meanings of the acceptable use portions of the consolidated policies have been maintained? 
  • Do you think all links and references are still appropriate? Anything else you would add?

Thank you for your feedback on this policy consolidation.


Gabriel Gonzalez, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information Officer

*The consolidated terms of acceptable use come from the following source policies and guidelines: the University of California’s Electronic Communications Policy, and the University of California, Berkeley’s Computer Use PolicyCampus Information Technology Security PolicyCampus Online Activities PolicyEmail Service PolicyTerms and Conditions of Appropriate Use for bMailAdministering Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Services, and the UC Berkeley Box and Google Data Use Agreement.

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