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Questions tagged [dash-shell]

For questions about the dash shell. Dash is a lightweight shell for Unix operating systems.

5 votes
1 answer

sh source can't find files

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 installation. I seem unable to source files with sh, which is Ubuntu's default dash. I have a file, lets say build.env, with some environment variables in it like this: build....
hat's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Trap on DEBUG signal for the dash shell?

With the bash shell, you can install a trap on the synthetic DEBUG signal. This is useful and will execute your function or bit of code on every shell command. For example: $ trap 'logger -t shell "${...
Cosimo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Debian - bash is default shell, but "man sh" gives dash

On Debian squeeze. Running ps -p $$ shows bash is my current shell, ls -l $(which sh) shows sh is a symlink to bash. So why, when I run man sh, do I get the man page for dash? Is this just a bug in ...
ACK_stoverflow's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dash acting up for unknown reason

I restarted my kubuntu machine - from the menu leave->restart if that matters. Normally my terminal windows are brought up automatically after a reboot but this time my prompt was wrong and a ...
Newton Falls's user avatar