I remember I used to almost religiously hit the coolosxapps.net website to find newly available freewares (mostly) for OS X. Now that the site was sold and is not available, I'm having trouble finding a similar website or blog.

Anybody know of any other good websites and/or blogs out there?

  • coolosxapps.com is usually pretty static now, I need to find a good one that is updated often.
  • Apple.com/downloads is all over the place and doesn't even have some of the really awesome apps available like Cord, Fluid, Gmail Notifr, Simplify, etc..
  • This is not a duplicate. Commented Aug 25, 2009 at 7:13

3 Answers 3


MacAppstorm seems to be pretty nice. Their reviews (so far) have been pretty comprehensive as well.

Following a load of mac indie developers on twitter works wonders for getting info about new apps coming out (tell me if you want a list of indie devs on twitter for this purpose).

Daring Fireball also covers new apps, but has a lot of other stuff thrown in as well (which is a good or a bad thing depending on what you like).

  • +1 for Twitter (surprisingly effective for this) and Gruber's Fireball. Have bookmarked MacAppstorm for the weekend. :-)
    – robsoft
    Commented Aug 25, 2009 at 13:25

This is an update tracker not a blog, but does link to similar apps and so is great for discovery of new tools; a different way to approach the same problem (how to find new software):


I also sometimes keep an eye on MacUpdate, it has one-line summaries to quickly scan what new software may do.


I would just check general Apple blogs as they should list any new/upcoming software.

I personally like The unofficial Apple Weblog

Another one I just found from Google was The Apple Blog

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