I have a giant library of mp3 and audio files that include songs, audiobooks, personal sound recordings, sound effects, etc. I am completely overwhelmed by the options of having a "media library". I would really like the ability to search and sort through the files (possibly from mp3 tags in the files themselves). I don't trust applications like iTunes and Windows Media Player. I want something stable and powerful. I am a power user and do not mind some extra hacking to get a solution to fit my needs (okay, they are really "wants").

Anyway..here are some of my "wants":

  • Build Playlists
  • Play Playlists and remove songs from the list during playback
  • Easily edit tags of the mp3 while it is playing (fix errors or add comments)
  • Categorize (eg Audio book, song, etc)

Which technologies have users found useful? Also which applications are junk not worth trying? I use Linux and don't mind command-line tools, but would like a system to put it all together.

  • MediaMonkey is very highly rated as a music organizer, and currently I've yet to find anything approaching its level of power on Linux or otherwise. I believe it runs well in wine, but have yet to try it. Unfortunately I can't offer anything native -- I've searched but turned up nothing noteworthy. Commented Nov 4, 2010 at 22:29
  • I like Amarok < 2 for playback, but for bulk renaming / recognizing / moving files on harddisk I really like Picard
    – Wrikken
    Commented Nov 4, 2010 at 23:32

4 Answers 4


Top iTunes alternatives for Linux


Sorry for the late reply, but Banshee does a great job here.

banshee screenshot

Also, for multiple retags, MusicBrainz Picard is a great help.

  • i know banshee fails hard for me on a large collection. I've had success with both mpd and subsonic past about 100,000 tracks.
    – Sirex
    Commented Aug 24, 2011 at 12:50
  • @Sirex 100k? I wonder how much of these you actually ever listened to :p But no, I haven't tried banshee for that size of a collection. Did you try Banshee 2.0, too? Commented Aug 24, 2011 at 12:54

XMMS2 (note the 2) is worth looking at if you want a console based system or cannot be bothered by large bloated media players like Amarok or Banshee.


Take a look at Amarok.

enter image description here

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