
I used to use ctrl+D to bookmark pages and chrome would prompt me which folder to save to. Now it doesn't do that anymore; it just chooses the Bookmarks Bar seemingly arbitrarily. Also, if I used ctrl+D on an already-bookmarked page it would allow me to change the folder, or un-bookmark it. Now it just does nothing if the page is already bookmarked.

Is this due to an update, a bug, or some configuration setting that went wrong?

(This is on Windows 10 if it matters)

  • Which version of Chrome are you using ? Have you tried resetting it atleast ? Or create a new profile for Chrome ?
    – clhy
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 1:37

2 Answers 2


Check our your keyboard shortcut settings in Chrome.

Goto chrome://extensions

Scroll to the very bottom and there is a Keyboard shortcuts link. You can change keyboard shortcuts here.

Then check chrome://flags and search for Enable Enhanced Bookmarks - set it to disable

Restart Chrome and give it another try


Oops, my entire Windows install seems to be hosed. This issue in Chrome just happened to be the first thing I noticed. I will close this as "too localized".

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