There are three programs related to Microsoft Edge that come installed by default in Windows 11:

  1. Microsoft Edge

  2. Microsoft Edge WebView

  3. Microsoft Edge Update

– I was able to uninstall Microsoft Edge with the following commands:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\*\Installer

.\setup.exe -uninstall -system-level -verbose-logging -force-uninstall

– I was able to uninstall Microsoft Edge WebView with the following commands:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\Application\*\Installer

.\setup.exe --uninstall --msedgewebview --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall

– When I started to uninstall Microsoft Edge Update, I couldn't find a similar way to uninstall it like the above. I searched the web in depth. Even professional uninstallers (e.g. IObit Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller) couldn't get it!

So I am asking help from a great poweruser who help me to uninstall it.


1 Answer 1


Third-party applications such as Zoom use Microsoft Edge WebView2 (I've observed Zoom running as many as eight EdgeWebview2 processes!). If you remove WebView2, you will disable Zoom and other applications dependent on it.

The easiest and safest thing to do with MS Edge, if it's not wanted (nor its pseudopodia to Bing and other MS "services") , is to disable it, and to disable the update mechanism. One could open services.msc and manually disable the three critical update services, as shown below, and set GPO to disable Edge browser itself, but a third-party tool such as Sordum's Edge Blocker makes it convenient to turn MS Edge and it's update services on or of with a single click. This does not affect WebView2, however, so Zoom runs well with MS Edge disabled.

Block Edge Update

Why not uninstall Edge? Because it would likely be reinstalled after any major Windows OS update, and so far, I've found disabling Edge services persists past the update -- and if at a later time they're reenabled, then Edge Blocker can fix that issue with a click. Also, there are poorly designed web sites that work properly only with Edge, so when corporate policy forces one to use such a site, Edge can be enabled again with a click -- and then disabled after use.

  • On Windows server 2019 the edgeupdate service setting gets reset from Disabled after Windows updates or even restarts, not sure which one it is as they go together. This stupid service messes up our monitoring with false alarms and requires a special case exceptions set up everywhere. .
    – uldics
    Commented Jun 7 at 6:44
  • Which is why I use Sordum's tool -- one click, and both are blocked, or unblocked, so one can use Edge, and keep it updated. That said, this is not a site for software recommendations -- that's just a personal note. Commented Jun 7 at 15:14

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