Apps from Office 365 create ding sound on several occasions. I did internet search and unchecked File > Options > Ease of access > Provide feedback with sound box. However, the ding sound continues. Any comments on how to disable this ding completely with Office 365? (Using Windows 10).


1 Answer 1


Open Control Panel, Sounds, and then select the Sound tab in the window that comes up.

Select None for email notify. This assumes Outlook is your default email handler.

  • The problem is not just for incoming emails in Outlook, but all the apps on many different occasions.
    – ewr3243
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 14:46
  • Look through all the app in the sound screen I pointed to for individual app settings. Make sure you do not have too many apps making sounds. I have lots of apps (many) and no Outlook / Email sounds except for the email notifier settings.
    – anon
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 15:02

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