This question is about Windows Search not finding any files. Mine concerns only one folder.

There is a "To read" folder in my Documents, which is never found by Windows Search when I type "to read" (or any variation with a different case). Its contents, however, are found correctly (it's a hierarchy of sub-folders and PDF files).

The folder is not excluded from indexing. Its permissions look normal. I have tried to re-build the index, without success. I haven't tried to reset or reinstall Windows, since restoring my environment would be quite a hassle.

Why would this specific, seemingly normal folder be ignored by Windows 10's search function?

  • Does the folder appear when you use: kind:=folder in the Explorer Search bar? Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 14:32
  • @KeithMiller Yes, it does.
    – Hey
    Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 16:00
  • That's promising. Shift+Right-clcik in the background of the "To Read" folder & select Open PowerShell window here. Then copy & paste & execute the following command. gi $pwd | select name , Attributes, {$_.name.length} , @{n='Bytes';e={[Byte[]][Char[]]($_.name) -join '-'}} | fl. Then edit your question to include the output from the command. Commented Mar 16, 2020 at 4:07


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