• Run chrome in backgroud: unchecked/disabled

  • task scheduler: no process at all (not even google update tasks)

  • msconfig: checked, there is no active item related to google.

  • extensions: disabled but nothing changed.

  • anti-virus scan: done but nothing found.

But chrome is still running in background after startup. When I run chrome by myself, those extra processes are still there. When I close those extra ones, it doesnt effect my browser (browser is not closing, extentions are fine). I wouldn't mind if it isn't draining my cpu power but it is draining it. It literally slows my computer down. Also heats my computer up ofc.

Task manager screenshots:

enter image description here

It slows my computer especially when I play games. Sometimes I forget to close those processes and for example run gta v, fps is really low, computer gets too hot..When I kill those processes, everything works better. I don't know why this is happening. Any solution?


5 Answers 5


I searched for a solution, but I couldn't find anything. If anyone else is having the same problem, here is my solution.

I created a ".bat" file that contains command below:

Taskkill /IM chrome.exe /F

After saving bat file, you need to create a shortcut of it and move that shortcut into startup folder. Here is how to reach startup folder:

Run Win+R prompt:


To completely stop Chrome, go to your System Tray in the bottom right corner of the screen. (You may need to click the up arrow to see the Chrome icon.) Right-click on the Chrome icon and click on "Exit" to stop all Chrome processes. You can also click on "Let Chrome run in background" to disable/un-check that option.

I haven't tested if this change lasts after a reboot, but you can always stop Chrome completely this way.

  • Like i said in my post, that option is already unchecked. And I dont see chrome icon in system tray. I know most of these stuffs. There has to be another problem. I tried all these basic things. None of them worked. The other reason why I posted this is, I wanted to see if anyone else is having the same problem? if not, it has to be related to my pc. Maybe I need to install windows again..
    – Cruwiel
    Commented Oct 19, 2018 at 16:46

Solution for me was delete all tasks (update) from control panel>Task Scheduler>*

When Update runs, Windows defender use lot of resource (cpu) for scan the compressed files.


I found exactly why this happens. There is a VBE script which runs Chrome and navigates to hxxp://www.google.com.487382835812038.windows-display-service.com/ (replaced http with hxxp to avoid accidental clicking) in headless mode every time you boot your computer and that script itself runs because its listed in the Run key in the registry.

To stop this you have to delete the registry value of the script by pressing Ctrl+R on your keyboard then type regedit, navigate to this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete the value called Windows Updates Service or you can just open your explorer and type %appdata% in the navigation bar then hit enter, you should find a folder called Windows Updates Files that contains the script. Delete the whole folder and that should solve your problem.


One way to remove that from automatically running in background in startup is to Open Task Manager -> Startup and see if Chrome is present there. If it is, just right click and select disable

  • well it was the first thing i did, but there is nothing about chrome
    – Cruwiel
    Commented Oct 19, 2018 at 11:24

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