I recently "upgraded" to Windows 10. I have been pretty happy with my experience, but about a month after upgrading, all the apps I installed from the Store disappeared from the Start menu. All the desktop software I installed not from the store still shows up fine. I was able to use the search / Cortana to find the apps, and in the search results it said "install" and when I clicked the result, it showed up in the Store as already installed and the button read "open". I did an in place upgrade two days ago, and the problem has already shown up again after almost 2 days of working fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • A possible work-around: third-party Start Menu replacements such as Classic Shell usually survive MS updates better than its own Start Menu. Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 2:16

1 Answer 1


This is one of the possible causes of updates as the updated apps icons were deleted and not recreated in the start menu. I believe that this has nothing to do with your current system configuration but with the app developers themselves.

As you can search for the app you can also Pin to Start. Simply locate the needed app, right click on it and choose Pin to Start option.

Hope this helps.

  • I am not currently able to pin the apps from the start menu search bar. The only option is to install them from the store even though I already have.
    – Matthew
    Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 12:13
  • @MatthewFegan Have you previously installed those apps under Microsoft account? Are you logged in with the same account as previously? Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 12:43
  • Yes, I am logged into Windows 10 with the same Microsoft account I used to install the apps.
    – Matthew
    Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 13:15

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