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Questions tagged [swift]

Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc first released in 2014 for its platforms and Linux. Swift is open-source. Use the tag only for questions about language features or requiring code in Swift. Use the tags [ios], [ipados], [macos], [watch-os], [tvos], [swiftui], [cocoa-touch], and [cocoa] for (language-agnostic) questions about the platforms or frameworks.

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Hashing files leads to GB of memory trail

I’m iterating a file tree, storing URL's and hash values as Integer in an array of tuples. Creating file hashes leads to a 6GB memory trail for about 38 thousand files. Without its about 36Mb. ...
MatFetsch's user avatar
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Stop NaviationLink overriding DisclosureGroup ontap gesture

I have the following SwiftUI view: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var items = [1, 2] var body: some View { NavigationStack { List { ForEach(self....
Matthew Fennell's user avatar
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SwiftUI Master-Detail View: How to remove the gap between back-button and content?

I have made a master-detail view using NavigationStack and NavigationLink. The detail-view looks currently this way: The code of the DetailsView: struct FullArticleView: View { var article: ...
cluster1's user avatar
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How to detect a change in the value of “editMode” from a toolbar?

Let's use a selectable List as follows: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var elements: Set<UUID> = [.init(), .init(), .init()] @State private var selection: Set&...
parapote's user avatar
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Network warning: "Connection has no local endpoint"

I have a simple SwiftUI application that sends a URLRequest as shown in the code snippet below: import SwiftUI @main struct GOGODemoApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup ...
djzhu's user avatar
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Why isn't CADisplayLink Sendable?

I'm looking at the this SoF answer and when I tried it out, I got the warning: Non-sendable type 'CADisplayLink?' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor ...
bli00's user avatar
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iOS Firestore permission denied even when using Firebase Authentication

I know this question has been asked a lot but a lot of the solutions say to change the Firestore rules and I don't want to do that. I'm wondering why they aren't working as is since I have ...
radishhorse's user avatar
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Why doesn't NSDateFormatter work as expected?

I've gotten some really strange results from the date formatter: let testDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 725840000.0) print(testDate) 2024-01-01 22:13:20 +0000 let fmt = DateFormatter() ...
executor21's user avatar
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Transfer gestures to view on other UIWindow?

I have a set-up in my iOS app where I have two UIScreens (and thus two UIWindows) - one on the device, and the other on an external display. I want the user to be able to make a gesture on their ...
David's user avatar
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Loading View animation don't work as needed in SwiftUI

I created this animation depending on a Boolean value to show as a loading animation. I wanted it to blink only in the middle of the view but it enters the view from top left hand corner, comes into ...
Ali Düşkün's user avatar
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SwiftUI paging with custom scrolling control

I'm new to SwiftUI, and I'm trying to design a paging view associated with a custom tab bar control. The tab bar should be scrollable and synced with the main view. Tap to select on the tab bar should ...
Felipe Quintella's user avatar
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Why won't a SwiftUI Slider trigger a change to a small range?

I am trying to make a slider update a value if it changes. In this case, I'm looking for a lower and upper bound in a range from 0 to 4. If the min value is greater than the max value, I want the max ...
Jeffrey Berthiaume's user avatar
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Can't get tasks to save [closed]

I just finished a video tutorial on building a to-do list app but I can't get the tasks to save. I followed the video and made sure my code's correct so I have no idea what's causing the issue. When ...
Will Childress's user avatar
-1 votes
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When using NSBezierPath in Swift (Xcode 12), "fill" is not controlled by the "path"

I want to fill outlines I construct using NSBezierPath and its methods "move" and "line". The "stroke" method clearly shows that the path exists as I intended. However, ...
Bob7430's user avatar
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Specifying Item Spacing in UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration

Currently, I am using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout to achieve the following list layout with spacing: We were thinking of trying out UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration due to its ability to ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar

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