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Questions tagged [phoenix-framework]

Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality

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Method/Pattern to Maintain Constant Set of Topic Strings in Elixir

I am trying to use the Phoenix Framework's PubSub module in a number of GenServers, however I would like to have a well-defined list of topics to reference instead of raw strings. Currently my code ...
Mr. Tea's user avatar
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Is there a simple solution to my Phoenix problem rendering a response in JSON from a (Pigeon) Google FCM V1 request containing `{:token, my_token}`?

I'm sending the new FCM V1 API messages using Pigeon (v2.0.0) through Phoenix (1.7.12). Part of the new messaging includes the field {:token, my_token} in the outgoing message. When Phoenix gets the ...
Sinc's user avatar
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Elixir error when trying to upload pdf from pdf generator

I'm trying to upload and create a download prompt for a generated pdf via the store function but I keep getting an error as if a pdf hasn't been generated but I can confirm that there is a pdf file ...
Jonathan Talbot's user avatar
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gigalixir page not found

I'm trying to create a database via clia, but running into "Page not found". I then created a db in the web ui, but I'm still unable to get going via cli. Any pointers? $ gigalixir pg:create ...
Geoff Langenderfer's user avatar
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Phoenix/Elixir: How to render a list using recursion?

I have a db table for categories where a category can be a sub-category of a category in the same table. For example: category_id category_name parent_id 1 Vocabulary nil 2 Animals 1 3 Food 1 4 ...
Akanksha's user avatar
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"(Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for" when rendering phoenix view

New to Elixir, Phoenix/Ecto, and Erlang in general, so bear with me. I'm following other working examples of defining the Model, View and Controller in the Phoenix with Ecto and I'm just not ...
Timo Newton's user avatar
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Test loging form in Phoenix liveview

I want to make a test in Peonix liveview that test the login form. My non functional test looks like this: test "logs in" do {:ok, view, html} = live(Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn(), "/...
Martin Kalling's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get a Tag value in a .heex file and assign to a variable using Phoenix and Elixir

I have the following snippet code: <div class="container mx-auto p-4"> <div class="mb-4"> <!-- Limite de banners --> <label for="limit&...
Arthur Ramón Souza's user avatar
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Elixir/Phoenix Ecto: Updating All Children in a Limitless Nested Recursive Association

I have these tables folders, and files Folder schema "folders" do field :name, :string field :archived, :boolean belongs_to :folder, Folder has_many :folders, Folder has_many :...
Dyey517's user avatar
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Elixir/Phoenix Issue with deployment to AWS ECS: System.get_env/1 in prod.exs not retrieving environment variable defined in Task definition

I'm new to AWS deployment and facing an issue with my Elixir/Phoenix application. I've deployed my app to AWS ECS, but I'm encountering a problem with environment variables. All the configurations in ...
Dyey517's user avatar
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Phoenix in a docker dev environment - generated code can't be saved from VSCode

I am new to phoenix, and am trying to setup a project using Docker on WSL. I have the project running, and I can make changes just fine. The issue occurs when using one of the Phoenix generators, ...
Daanooo's user avatar
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How to run initial DB migration when deploying a Phoenix app with Docker/Kubernetes

I am having trouble trying to deploy my Phoenix app in our internal Kubernetes infra. Particularly, I'm not sure how to run the initial db migration. This is the logs on the pod. 04:41:47.447 [error] ...
elixirfan2001's user avatar
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Conditional rendering of live components not working as expected in Phoenix Liveview

I am trying to display different live components depending on the device kind, so I have this in my template <div phx-hook="SpecialScreenSize" id="screen-size"></div> &...
ahabsy's user avatar
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Phoenix + Elixir: outdated static file is served

I have a sitemap file that is located in priv/static/sitemaps/sitemap1.xml ▾ priv/ ▸ gettext/ ▸ repo/ ▾ static/ ▸ assets/ ▸ images/ ▾ sitemaps/ sitemap.xml sitemap1....
bigpotato's user avatar
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Elixir + Phoenix: delete_resp_cookie does not do anything

I have a /logout endpoint that. I want to delete my x-auth-token cookie in that controller action but it isn't doing anything when I check the front end (a react / remix app) I read the docs and am ...
bigpotato's user avatar
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