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Questions tagged [angular]

Questions about Angular (not to be confused with AngularJS), the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version. For the older AngularJS (1.x) web framework, use the AngularJS tag.

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how to load lazily loaded route in mat-sidebar-content?

I've a structure in Angular and we are following module based structure. Not standalone components. SideBar Component <mat-sidebar-container> <mat-sidebar> /* Sidebar Menu Items */ </...
Alok Agase's user avatar
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1 answer

Typescript reach defined type from variable in Angular

interface Bus { id: number; test?: string; } interface Area{ id: number; load?: string; } type TypeMap= { Bus: Bus, Area: Area, // etc } func1(){ const equipmentType1 = "...
once in an blue moon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I Safely Remove zone.js Dependency in Angular 18 with Experimental Zoneless Change Detection?

Question: Can I Safely Remove zone.js Dependency in Angular 18 with Experimental Zoneless Change Detection? I'm using the latest Angular version (18.1.0) and have activated the experimental zoneless ...
Ayoub k's user avatar
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Angular 16 RxJs Issue Updating Total on Header Component

Hello I have an question regarding my Observable. I have a cart as well as checkout that works fine when I add a another items to cart it handles total items as well as total cost. These components ...
user2280852's user avatar
2 votes
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How to extract colors from a palette in Material 3

With Material 2 (Angular 17) I used to extract colors with: mat.get-color-from-palette($primary, 800). What would be the equivalent in Material 3 (Angular 18)?
Johannes Schacht's user avatar
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How to use the retry from Rxjs to my await function?

I have to return an await function from my code block, now when the await function is called and failed on the first try, I want to retry it again and if it failed on the second time.. I will show an ...
Daniiiii's user avatar
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Replacing a nested subscribe when getting multiple details from one initial call for ids

So I'm making a few calls to two back-end services, the first is to get the IDs of "big" items and the rest are separate calls to get the details of each "big" item using its ID. I'...
Scala Enthusiast's user avatar
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Using async/await with a service call

I'm having trouble understanding how to use async/await in this scenario. I have a function GetAdditionalProducts() that calls a service and returns a result. I call that function elsewhere where I ...
noclist's user avatar
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ng not found error when building Angular project using dockerfile

I came into a very strange issue yesterday. I have been working on an Angular project and deploying using docker. Everything works fine till yesterday, all of sudden I cannot build the docker image. ...
AoLiGei's user avatar
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Error on GET with authorization-header - only in Browser (CF-RestApi & Angular)

first things first: we develop our own RestAPI in ColdFusion with follwing headers: cfheader (name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin", value="*"); cfheader (name="Access-Control-...
uwe85's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular Input validate only on click. reset when user type or remove entire text

i have bellow form input <form [formGroup]="userForm" novalidate> <div class="field"> <label for="firstName" class="block">First Name<...
grabrep gg's user avatar
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Convert 'word file to pdf file' [closed]

I have searched for ways to convert a Word file to a PDF file using any of these technologies: React.js, Angular, Node.js, or Next.js. I found many libraries on npm related to this, but none of them ...
Pawan Singh's user avatar
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mat-expansion-panel: ask for confirmation before close

I have n mat-expansion-panel in a mat-accordion. Each panel contains a form to edit data the a certain entity. Since I use this: <ng-template matExpansionPanelContent> <ng-container *ngIf=&...
Marcel Lorenz's user avatar
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Angular Signals inside effect()

In a component, I am accessing item_id as input parameter. Where can I call toSignal() or .subscribe() to service method, if it is not allowed inside constructor / ngOnInit() effect()? item_id = ...
Nevyan Dimitrov Neykov's user avatar
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How to Open a downloaded File in Vscode from an Angular app

I'm working on an Angular app that can at some point contact an API to download a file. The download feature works fine, no problem with that. I use it to download a Python file. The problem comes ...
Valentin Menu Cerri's user avatar

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