Linked Questions

-2 votes
2 answers

Php avoid spam messages without captcha [duplicate]

Nowadays i'm getting too much of spam emails from my contact form, below is it's html view, <form id="contactForm" action="processform.php" method="post" class="positioned" style="display: ...
Vinoth Pandiyan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Feedback form using VB Script - cut the SPAM [duplicate]

I have a simple Classic ASP feedback form that suffers from SPAM. All code is client side and I believe the idea is to hide the email address from the BOTS. While I understand the honeypot concept ...
sverdina's user avatar
175 votes
14 answers

Has reCaptcha been cracked / hacked / OCR'd / defeated / broken? [closed]

Have any programming methods have been used to defeat reCAPTCHA? I'm interested in seeing evidence and potentially demonstrations that reCAPTCHA in particular has been made obsolete by completely ...
Dave Rutledge's user avatar
33 votes
10 answers

Preventing bot form submission

I'm trying to figure out a good way to prevent bots from submitting my form, while keeping the process simple. I've read several great ideas, but I thought about adding a confirm option when the form ...
Mike's user avatar
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38 votes
13 answers

Detecting a (naughty or nice) URL or link in a text string

How can I detect (with regular expressions or heuristics) a web site link in a string of text such as a comment? The purpose is to prevent spam. HTML is stripped so I need to detect invitations to ...
JasonSmith's user avatar
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25 votes
9 answers

Stop spam without captcha

I want to stop spammers from using my site. But I find CAPTCHA very annoying. I am not just talking about the "type the text" type, but anything that requires the user to waste his time to prove ...
unreal's user avatar
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12 votes
11 answers

Are you human? (or How to prevent spam) [closed]

What mechanisms do you know that prevent your site from being abused by anonymous spammers. For example, let's say that I have a site where people can vote something. But I don't want someone to spam ...
12 votes
13 answers

PHP Captcha without session

Ok, here is an issue: in the project i'm working on, we can't rely on server-side sessions for any functionality. The problem is that common captcha solutions from preventing robotic submits require ...
Anton N's user avatar
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6 votes
14 answers

How do I protect my forum against spam?

I have a forum on a website I master, which gets a daily dose of pron spam. Currently I delete the spam and block the IP. But this does not work very well. The list of blocked IP's is growing quickly, ...
Marius's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

How to Prevent SPAM without CAPTCHAs or a Centrally managed system (e.g. akismet)

Has anyone been able to successfully prevent spam on their site without placing a burden on your visitor (e.g. CAPTCHA) and without using a centralized spam reporting system (e.g. Akismet) I've found ...
TimJK's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Is there an Unobtrusive Captcha for web forms?

What is the best unobtrusive CAPTCHA for web forms? One that does not involve a UI, rather a non-UI Turing test. I have seen a simple example of a non UI CAPTCHA like the Nobot control from Microsoft....
KP.'s user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

captcha or not? [closed]

i hate captcha, do you think there is a better solution
nirvanist's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Alternative to Recaptcha [closed]

Ours is a java web application on struts2 framework. Currently for contact us form and download reports form we are using Recaptcha. We have to refresh the captcha at least 4-5 times to get the ...
Sangram Anand's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Stopping a bot attack server side solution (without a CAPTCHA or JavaScript)

I inherited some code that was recently attacked by repeated remote form submissions. Initially I implemented some protection by setting a unique session auth token (not the session id). While I ...
Jason McCreary's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

should I limit attempts to login rails?

I'm thinking about building a login system for Ruby on Rails, much like this one In terms of security, should I limit ...
conspirisi's user avatar
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