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PHP Collective

A collective where developers working with PHP can learn and connect about the open source scripting language.
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Common Mistakes to Avoid in PHP

A list of real issues most beginners encounter when using PHP.
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Start learning PHP — Useful resources for beginners and advanced

Start learning PHP — Useful resources for beginners and advanced! If you're wondering where to start from learning the PHP language or needing some more knowledge to deep dive into the language, you ...
RB Projects's user avatar

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How to create image courusel for product card on Catalog page Woocomerce Wordpress

I use WordPress and Woocomerce. I have created a Catalog page with a grid of product cards. My endpoint is to create a slider (carousel) of images instead of one featured image now. When I created the ...
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Bootstrap Collapse on unordered list doesn't react on first click

I have created a filetree page on a website and added some bootstrap collapse stuff which basically does all I want. The list of files and folders is shown with all tree branches uncollapsed initially....
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Livewire components or controllers

There are many questions like this, but none explain more than "use only Livewire components" or "use Livewire only for interactivity." Also, I cant find live code bases of real ...
-2 votes
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Fastest way to remove \r and \n characters in a string in PHP in 2024?

I need to replace a few characters ("\r" and "\n") in a string and need the fastest most efficient way to do so because this code will run on a large scale. I've searched and found ...
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I get 401 unauthorized error after successful login in reactjs app with laravel & sanctum

I have created an app with React while using Laravel 10 as back-end (using Sanctum for auth). When I try to log in on first attempt I get "401: unauthorized" error, but on second attempt it ...

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PHP webDav client gives ClientException: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I want to upload files to NextCloud via PHP on Windows 11. I do not know PHP much but I managed to install sabre/dav via composer Then I found on the internet simple code sample to list files. <?...
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How to set the first order status as a custom status for newly created orders from Woocommerce Rest API?

We use a platform called BaseLinker, which sends orders from other marketplaces to our WooCommerce store through Rest API. The problem is that initially the orders have a status of "Payment ...

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How to trim &nbsp; (or non-breaking space) in PHP?

The main problem is the way trim() function works. One cannot reliably trim a substring using this function, because it takes its second argument as a collection of characters, each of which would be ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
21 votes
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Evolution of Type Declarations in PHP

Introduction: PHP, being a dynamically typed language, traditionally allowed flexibility in variable types, providing both advantages and challenges in code maintenance and robustness. However, with ...
alkhatibdev's user avatar
44 votes
2 minute read
How-to guide

Start learning PHP — Useful resources for beginners and advanced

Start learning PHP — Useful resources for beginners and advanced! If you're wondering where to start from learning the PHP language or needing some more knowledge to deep dive into the language, you ...
RB Projects's user avatar