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Questions tagged [library]

Use this tag to POST, or announce, libraries which provide access to the Stack Exchange API and/or Stack exchange sites. The body of the question will give usage examples, as well as source and licensing details. For *general* questions use the [libraries] tag instead. For questions about a specific library, post an "answer" to that library's "question" announcement.

PyStackAPI - wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python

PyStackAPI The latest version - 0.2.0 What is PyStackAPI? PyStackAPI is a modern, 100% typed wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python. Documentation You can find documentation here: htt…

Helper module for SE API for Nushell

Following on from Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview), I have developed a helper module for calling SE API's in Nushell. The library itself is short and included in the first answer. Us…

Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview)

While I still prefer a more "traditional" shell for day-to-day use, I'm finding Nushell's structured data capabilities to be a fantastic companion to the SE API (among others). It's been…

stackchat.cpp - a C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat

C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat, with exactly 0 boost. Includes the core framework for bots, including command structures, listeners, etc., as well as base functionality.

v0.0.1, Zoe

stackapi.cpp - a C++20 library for the Stack Exchange API

I needed a (non-boost) C++ API library for Stuff™. So far, I've stuck to a single highly specialised and minimal implementation (that this library is based on), but because I have plans to write an…

v1.0.0, Zoe

PLACEHOLDER - Pipedream extension for doing actions on stackexchange

I am using the Stack Exchange API for doing actions on the website which can be performed using a portal I am building which links various other platforms.

Generate StackApps - post generator for userscripts

Tired of writing Stack Apps posts by hand? With Generate StackApps you can focus on what's really important — userscripts and delegate the busywork to automation.

Stack Exchange API Types - a type declaration package for API types

Stack Exchange API Types adds type definitions for various API types

Generate Headers - a utility package for validating and auto generating userscript manager headers

Tired of writing out userscript headers by hand? Of small typos in your @match headers leading to wasted time? Generate Headers to the rescue: this utility package automates header generation for p…

Stack Exchange Global Types - a type declaration package for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange global types adds or augments type definitions for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange to aid userscript authors

GraphQL Stack Overflow API endpoint W.I.P

Currently a GraphQL endpoint is available here, meant to facilitate apps wanting to query data from StackExchange but with the GraphQL spec. High speed, built with go and hosted on Azure. Source co…

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

Node.js/ChatExchange - An API for Chat

ChatExchange is a node.js API for talking to Stack Exchange chat (Largely based on ChatExchange for python). This is still very much in the works, but currently provides a working API for those who…

v0.1.3, Blue

SEStandard - A .NET Standard 1.1 compliant Stack Exchange client library that supports API v2.2

A .NET Standard 1.1 compliant C# library for querying the Stack Exchange API (supports v2.2).

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