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Questions tagged [nuclear-weapons]

Devices designed to create extremely large explosions by exploiting nuclear processes within atoms. Fission devices use energy released by slitting large nuclei; fusion devices use the energy released by merging small nuclei. Many devices use fission to trigger fusion.

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Was Mars hit by a one billion megatons air-burst thermonuclear explosion (over Mars Acidalium) in its past?

There's an intriguing academic presentation claiming in the end that Yield ~ 1 billion megatons [...] Evidence for Mars paleo-nuclear event is strong- but no crater at ground zero Natural nuclear ...
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13 votes
3 answers

Do modern nuclear weapons produce no nuclear fallout?

Neil deGrasse Tyson says nuclear bombs no longer produce fallout. From the video Neil deGrasse Tyson: modern hydrogen nuclear weapons don’t have the radiation fallout problem of WW2: “Modern nukes ...
GC_'s user avatar
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How explicit were the (putative) secret speeches by Xi Jinping to build up China's nuclear arsenal to match that of USA & Russia?

NYT journalist David Sanger says in an interview about his book that Xi Jinping gave secret speeches as soon as he came into power promising to build China's nuclear arsenal to match that of US & ...
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12 votes
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In July 2022, did China have more nuclear weapons than Domino's Pizza locations?

China, Russia, and Pakistan are the only countries in the world that have more nuclear weapons than they do Domino's Pizza locations. 8 Solid Minutes of Useless Geographical Facts!, YouTube (6m45s), ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Did Robert Brownlee express a belief that a manhole cover was launched into space by a nuclear test?

According to Snopes: the above-mentioned Brownlee doesn't believe the metal cap launched into space. However Business Insider states: Robert Brownlee, an astrophysicist who designed the nuclear ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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Has China stated that their no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons doesn't apply to countries that possess territories that China claims as its own?

According to an Indian journalist: China had asserted before that its NFU would not apply against countries that are in possession of the Chinese territory. That means that China’s NFU does not apply ...
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28 votes
5 answers

Can Russia's Poseidon nuclear underwater drone create a 500 meter tidal wave?

According to, "Russian ‘nuclear tsunami’ will wipe out Britain, Kremlin-backed media threatens" In his Sunday evening primetime show, the Channel One anchor Dmitry Kiselyov ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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44 votes
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Did Oppenheimer quote the Bhagavad Gita after the Trinity test?

There is an often repeated story that Robert Oppenheimer, one of the leaders of the Manhattan Project, quoted the Bhagavad Gita after witnessing the first nuclear test. One version of the story is ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Did India plan to get Pakistan's nuclear facility destroyed by Israel in the mid-'80s?

A 2010 article by Shahid R. Siddiqi in Dawn (a major Pakistani English newspaper) states: After successfully destroying the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, Israelis planned a similar attack on ...
user366312's user avatar
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Was the crew dropping the "Tsar Bomba" nuclear bomb given only a 50% chance to survive?

Background The Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created. On 30 October 1961 the Soviet Union experimentally detonated the bomb after dropping it from a plane above Nova Zembla. A ...
William H. Fields's user avatar
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Did Ahmadinejad say that enriching Uranium to 20% made no economic sense?

A Foreign Policy "argument" article from January 2012 contains this part What has raised the world’s suspicions is that Iran continues to produce 20 percent enriched uranium despite the fact that ...
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11 votes
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Did Netanyahu's recent presentation on Iran's nuclear program contain no new information?

"Arms Control Wonk" Jeffrey Lewis claims in Foreign Policy: There was nothing new in Netanyahu’s presentation ... Moreover, the archive contains little or no information that wasn’t already ...
mart's user avatar
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Is the silence of BBC Radio a key test for UK (submarine) nuclear response?

A comment under a WorldBuilding.SE answer to the question What's the quickest way to tell if most of the people on Earth have disappeared? refers to the BBC Newsbeat article Trident: What are the ...
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57 votes
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Was there a nuclear explosion in Germany during WW2?

According to this article at and this article at a declassified document "APO 696" (purportedly in the U.S. National Archives) includes testimony that indicates a possible ...
Dee's user avatar
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Is the illegal nuclear waste at the Coldwater Creek Nuclear Landfill a risk to public health?

NOTE: This is not a copy of: Is the illegal nuclear waste at The Westlake Nuclear Landfill a risk to public health? which is a different nearby nuclear landfill that has a different issue of a ...
RustlerSteakHouse's user avatar

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