I'm trying to find a book I read as a young boy mid 90's to very early 2000's, I believe. It featured a team of teen humans who had the ability to transform into various supernatural creatures.

I believe the setting was based in the United States or at least North America.

I remember vividly two characters:

  1. There was a lycanthrope , I remember a name... which is either Kodiak or Kody/Cody. I believe this character also had a love interest within the team.

  2. There was a character who was stereotype alien-like (thin with large head), but I believe was a ghoul or demon of some sorts that is noted to cause accidents in North America. I cannot quite remember if this was a creature in the fictional universe or one of the teens could transform into it. I believe it might be the Dover Demon.

I also remember that the cover, the first few or last pages or so had a list of the creatures and short profiles.

  • have you had any luck? ive been trying to think of the same book i think but cant find it!
    – user40386
    Commented Jan 10, 2015 at 9:30
  • Nothing so far! I am hoping that at some point in my lifetime the right person comes across this question. hahaha.
    – John
    Commented Jan 11, 2015 at 13:59
  • I believe I'm looking for the same book! (9 years later). Did you ever recall the name? One of the villains in the book I'm thinking of was "the world's unluckiest man" who would be plagued by accidents around him. Need to assassinate someone? he'd sit next to them on the bus and it'd crash. Need to blow up a building? He'd go eat lunch on the sidewalk and a plane would crash into it. I also recall that the teen team would each have different powers - some were transformation, like animorphs, but not all. I think one was just super strong, one could be invisible. It's a bit fuzzy.
    – Alex D
    Commented Jul 7 at 16:15

3 Answers 3


There's two posibilities I know of:

  • Animorphs. A team of human teens (and one alien) able to shapeshift into different animals, battling an alien invasion. Not supernatural entities, but it does take place in the USA.
  • Switchers. Human teens able to shapeshift into supernatural characters. Takes place in Ireland, though.

No Kodiak/Kody/Cody, though, I'm afraid.

  • Thanks Dr McCoy, It wasn't the animorphs and it doesn't seem to be switchers either.
    – John
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 9:29
  • Okay, then I don't know, sorry. Good luck finding what you're looking for! :)
    – DrMcCoy
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 12:57

This sounds like the Strange Forces series by Marty M. Engle, which was a spin-off of the Strange Matter series. Hope this is what you're looking for!

The students of Fairfield Junior High have noticed that the strange things happening in their town are becoming more common — more dangerous. With each dreadful encounter, they are further convinced — monsters are real.Morgan Taylor is convinced. He couldn't deny that a small lizard-like monster was rapping on his bedroom window, asking for help. A real monster, just outside his window.Astonished, he lets it in. With wide eyes he listens to its amazing tale and desperate plea for help — but could he believe the little monster's story? A tale of an object so incredible it staggers the imagination and of the hideous man-creature, the Collector, who has come to Fairfield to claim it.Dark forces have gathered under the Collector's command, in a hilltop mansion on the edge of town — Fairfield Manor. The crumbling halls, once empty and silent, now echo with the howls of his army of creatures. They have filled the once-barren rooms with mysterious artifacts gathered from the four corners of the earth. Nothing will stop the acquisition of the Collector's greatest prize.Join the students of Fairfield Junior High and the renegade lizard-monster, Rilo Buru, in a race against the Collector and his strange forces on an adventure that will change the natural and the unnatural world forever.

This review of the second book in the series mentions them being able to transform:

This starts a bit after the last one as the group of kids are still hanging out with Rilo the Buru. See, during the first one he gave them these special powers that let them transform into various creatures so he is helping them train to hone these powers, but under the hopes they wouldn't need to use them in a fight again.

Darren Donaldson is the one who turns into a werewolf, as per the summary of characters at the opening of the first book:
enter image description here

The TV Tropes entry mentions a character who can cause accidents, albeit not among the main cast.

Jerry, one of Guerendet's henchman, has the ability to cause severe and often fatal misfortune to befall anyone he chooses. He started off as a simple accountant in New York who never did anything unusual until he realized his powers when he caused a coworker to have an accident.

  • 1
    Can you provide any sources or links to your story? Or any bits of text that show its similarities.
    – Edlothiad
    Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 15:13
  • Please see our guidance on how to write a good answer to a story-ID question.
    – Rand al'Thor
    Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 15:58

Might be the Mind Warp series, the first book was called Alien Terror.

  • Not the Mind warp series. Thanks however for a potential good read.
    – John
    Commented Jan 27, 2015 at 11:31

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