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Questions tagged [badges]

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2 votes
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Se eu conseguir 2 perguntas com 1000 views, eu ganho dois badges de "Popular Question"?

If I have 2 questions with 1000 views, will I have 2 Popular Question badges? Which question with 1000 views is one more popular badge?
ClMend's user avatar
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2 votes
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Porque não ganho Inquisitive bage , tenho 31/30 perguntas certas?

Porque não ganho Inquisitive bage , tenho 31/30 perguntas certas?
ClMend's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I see the progress of these 3 badges?

How can I see the progress of these 3 badges? Announcer; Booster; Publicist
Jorge B.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Maximum of votes per day bug?

I noticed a particular issue today: From this screeshot you can tell that I could not upvote this question because I reached the daily vote limit. However, by checking the vox populi badge: I am 2 ...
Armfoot's user avatar
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