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Questions tagged [quantum-electrodynamics]

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the quantum field theory believed to describe electromagnetic interaction. It is the simplest example of a quantum gauge theory, where the gauge group is abelian, U(1).

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Parametric down-conversion - QFT necessary?

In quantum optics, one ususally starts by quantizing the free electric field and obtains an expression for the electric field operators: $$ E(\vec{r},t) = \sum_{\vec{k},p} C_{\vec{k}} \vec{e}_{\vec{k},...
sqrt6's user avatar
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QED with massless fermions

Consider QED such that physical mass of fermions vanishes. Is it true that their bare mass also vanishes?
MKO's user avatar
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Link between photon helicity and polarization of $A^\mu$ electromagnetic potential

From Wigner theorem we know that the irreducible unitary representation of the Poincarè group for massless and spin 1 particle is labelled by the momentum $p_\mu$ and the two possible helicity $+1,-1$ ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Photon propagator in path integral vs. operator formalism

I am self-studying the book "Quantum field theory and the standard model" by Schwartz, and I am really confused about the derivation of the Photon propagator on page 128-129. He starts ...
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Calculating a Feynman diagram with the helicity basis

In the book by Peskin and Schroeder, they calculate the leading order diagram for the process $e^- e^+ \to \mu^- \mu^+$ (see page 136 for the labelling of the momenta). They do this in two ways: using ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Independence of $S$-matrix of $\xi$-gauge in QED

On page 298 in Peskin and Schroeder, the authors attempt to argue that the $S$-matrix should be independent of the $\xi$-gauge in QED. However, I don't understand their argument, in particular the ...
User3141's user avatar
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$ \pi^0\to \gamma\gamma$ parity conservation

Let's consider the decay process $\pi^0\to \gamma \gamma$. After we spontaneously broke the chiral symmetry of QCD coupled to an abelian gauge field $A^\mu$, we end up with the Goldstone boson ...
Alex's user avatar
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Some calculation in Schwartz's Quantum field theory eq. (16.39)

In Schwartz's Quantum field theory and the standard model, p.307 he derives a formula: $$ \Pi_2^{\mu \nu} = \frac{-2 e^2}{(4 \pi )^{d/2}}(p^2g^{\mu\nu}-p^{\mu}p^{\nu})\Gamma(2- \frac{d}{2}) \mu^{4-d} \...
Plantation's user avatar
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Weisskopf and self-energy

I am working my way through the 1934 paper by Weisskopf on the self-energy of the electron and is much helped by the English translation found here. I do have some difficulties with section 2 of this ...
Trond Saue's user avatar
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Is it possible to lower the energy of the vacuum?

The energy of the vacuum is given by $$\sum_k \frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega_k.$$ However the frequency $\omega_k$ depends on the wavevector $k$ and some constants like the speed of light $c$, which in turn ...
eeqesri's user avatar
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What is the energy of a photon in an electron-muon scattering?

Currently I am reading about this process in an Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and Schroeder (pages 153-154). It should be mentioned that they are working in a center-of-mass (CM) ...
Volodymyr's user avatar
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Unitary Gauge Removing Goldstone Bosons

The Lagrangian in a spontaneously broken gauge theory at low energies looks like $$ \frac{1}{2} m^2 ( \partial_\mu \theta - A_\mu )^2 $$ and the gauge transformations look like $\theta \rightarrow \...
infinity's user avatar
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How is light interference explained with photons?

In the classical model of light as an EM wave, interference is a trivial consequence of the linearity of the wave equation. Now, if we model light as collections of photons, how is light interference ...
agaminon's user avatar
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Feynman rule for scalar QED vertex

A popular problem in QFT textbooks and courses is to derive the Feynman rules for scalar QED. Usually, this theory is presented via the following Lagrangian density: $$\mathcal{L} = (D_\mu\phi)^\...
Rafael Grossi's user avatar
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Particle and momentum Flow for complex scalar or fermion field

When i look at complex scalar fields or fermion fields, i have my $\psi^\dagger$ as my anti particle and $\psi$ as my particle, same for $\phi^\dagger$ and $\phi$. When i now draw the Feynman diagrams ...
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