Innovations Fund

The Innovations Fund is supported by the Industrial Advisory Council for Minority Education (IACME). It provides small grants (average range is $100-$500) of seed-money for individual or group projects.

The OME accepts submissions from current MIT undergraduate students (all years eligible) or student groups with a special focus on Office of Minority Education Student Advisory Council (OMESAC) groups. Funds must be used as seed money for an innovative project that has not been done before that impacts local and/or global communities. All approved submissions are required to submit a 1-2 page summary, within two weeks after the project/event's completion, detailing outcome and how funds were used.

Note: It may take up to two weeks to receive a response for funding. If you have an unexpected or urgent request, email omeinnovations [at] (omeinnovations[at]mit[dot]edu).