Program Success Elements

  • We systematically determine peoples’ ability to learn and apply new knowledge;
  • Trainees love to learn by doing instead of listening to lengthy lectures and doing unassisted assignments;
  • Trainees are required to participate in weekly personal coaching sessions;
  • Self-paced coursework allows trainees to learn anywhere, anytime;
  • Self-paced coursework avoids trainees missing training content because of other responsibilities;
  • Our career training programs are mapped to industry-recognized certificates;
  • Our in-depth skills training programs provide work experience that close to 100% of job openings require.

NCLab Career Training Outcomes Stand Out.

In a Workforce Development world where online career training completion rates are as low as 20%, NCLab’s close to 100% completion rate stands out. This is all done while delivering industry-readiness skills that are mapped to industry-recognized certifications and provide work experience that employers expect job applicants to have.

How It’s Done.

We begin with a very detailed free Career Readiness Assessment that identifies people who can learn and apply new knowledge, are attentive to detail, and have the perseverance needed to succeed. To learn more about the assessment, Click Here.

We follow it up with engaging AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) learn-by-doing training that incorporates foundational training for people who need to start there, at no extra cost.

Our teaching platform delivers trainees bite-sized knowledge that is immediately followed by tutelaged mini projects, during which the platform watches their every step and helps them in real time with contextual help, hints, and templates, as needed.

Trainees love this gamefied way of learning since they are never left alone and they experience a feeling of accomplishment as they complete each new mini project.

Additionally, to further ensure trainees’ success, each trainee is assigned a personal coach who:

  • Meets with them weekly to review and discuss progress;
  • Is available, as needed, throughout their training;
  • Teaches them soft skills that they’ll benefit from throughout their career;
  • Makes them ready for job interviews.

It’s little wonder that workforce development career counselors encourage their clients to take the NCLab Career Readiness Assessment and that employers participate in NCLab’s Employer Recruitment Portal to get access to graduates.

Following are short descriptions of our career training programs:

“Automation Technician Training”

Automation is taking over manufacturing, healthcare, energy and utilities, financial services, warehousing and distribution, laboratories of all kinds, agriculture, and many other areas by storm. Along with it comes an opportunity to join this new work environment and the rewards that it offers.

The latest 2021 report by the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte estimates that in manufacturing alone, there will be 2.1 million jobs that will go unfilled over the next ten years because of the lack of automation-related skills in the labor force.

In as little as 2 months, trainees of this training program master foundational automation-related hard skills that include workplace math, working with data, machine programming, spatial reasoning, (and Introduction to CNC, Blueprint Reading, and Introduction to AI, as electives); they are the hard skills that employers want new hires to have.

They also learn foundational soft skills that include, among others, problem solving, attention to detail, critical and logical thinking, professional communication, time management, perseverance, and adaptability that they will need to have throughout their working lives.

Upon completing this career training program, trainees have shown that they are able to learn and apply new knowledge that their new jobs will require and they have acquired the hard and soft skills needed to be very effective 21st century employees. Graduates are also fully prepared to pass industry-recognized certifications, including ACT’s Workkeys NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate) and TOSA’s spreadsheet certification exams.

“Data Analyst Career Training”

At a time when virtually all enterprises have reached “data overload” and need Data Analytics skills to help them make sense of the massive amounts of data so that management can more informed decisions, NCLab’s in-depth Data Analyst Career Training program makes it possible for individuals to land high-pay Data Analyst jobs. 

Whether it be market research, sales figures, logistics, or transportation costs, every enterprise collects data. In as little as 4 months, trainees become capable Data Analysts take that data and convert it into information that helps management make better and faster business decisions, such as how to price new materials, how to reduce transportation costs, or how to deal with issues that cost the enterprise money.

While many Data Analytics training programs are targeted at individuals with a strong math background, prior programming experience, and/or a certain level of formal education, this Data Analyst career training program is unique in the way its prerequisites are trainees’ ability to learn, their motivation, and their willingness to work hard, rather than their prior knowledge. That is only possible because the training incorporates foundational training (e.g. workplace math) for people who need to start there, at no additional cost.

Because training is self-paced and individualized to trainees’ schedules, they are able to build a consistent training routine with their coach that does not interfere with their work and family commitments. 

When trainees graduate, they have the knowledge, work experience, competency, and confidence to get great jobs. They have a professional portfolio to demonstrate their qualifications to potential employers and they are fully prepared to take CompTIA’s industry-recognized Data+ certification exam.

“Python  Developer Career Training”

At a time when lists over 87,000 unfilled Python Programmer positions in the U.S., NCLab’s in-depth Python Developer career training program makes it possible for individuals to land high-pay Python Programmer jobs. 

Python is the most popular programming language for applications in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Finance, and other areas. Big players like Quora, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Dropbox, Pinterest, Reddit, and Netflix have most of their new code written in Python.

While many Python programming training programs are targeted at individuals with a strong math background, prior programming experience, and/or a certain level of formal education, this Python Developer career training program is unique in the way its prerequisites are trainees’ ability to learn, their motivation, and their willingness to work hard, rather than their prior knowledge. That is only possible because the training starts at a foundational level for people who need to start there, at no additional cost.

Trainees complete this program in as little as 4 months. Because training is self-paced and individualized to trainees’ schedules, they are able to build a consistent training routine with their coach that does not interfere with their work and family commitments.

When trainees graduate, they have the knowledge, work experience, competency, and confidence to get great jobs. They have a professional portfolio to demonstrate their qualifications to potential employers and they are fully prepared to take the Python Institute’s industry-recognized PCEP certification exam.

“Computational Literacy For Modern Careers”

Automation is taking over manufacturing, healthcare, energy and utilities, financial services, warehousing and distribution, laboratories of all kinds, agriculture, and many other areas by storm. Tasks which traditionally were done by people are now being done by machines. But machines think differently than people, and one needs to develop a specific mindset in order to deal with them successfully. This is called Computational Literacy.

You may have heard about Computer Literacy. This is a set of skills which includes things like using Internet and email, utilizing passwords, protecting your data, etc. Computational Literacy goes one step further. It is about using computers and computing to solve problems. Computational Literacy is a combination of simple logic, common sense, problem solving, attention to detail, and perseverance. Computational Literacy can be learned, just like reading, writing, and using multiplication tables.

In the NCLab Computational Literacy For Modern Careers course, trainees develop computational literacy skills by using a virtual robot to solve various simple tasks. In this way they learn essential skills such as how to identify repeating patterns and how to break complex problems into simpler ones.

Trainees need approximately 60 hands-on hours to complete this program. Because training is self-paced and individualized to trainees’ schedules, they are able to build a consistent training routine with their coach that does not interfere with their work and family commitments.

Upon completing the program, graduates possess the mindset and skills needed to successfully deal with automation and intelligent machines.

More Information

Click Here to compare NCLab’s in-depth online career training to other online training; they are like night and day.

Click Here to learn how NCLab’s career readiness assessment and career training programs are being used in Nevada as part of a very successful Nevada Manufacturing Recruitment Initiative.

Click Here to learn more about NCLab, a vocational training company with over a decade of helping people get great careers.

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