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Indicates that the site developers were not able to replicate the behavior reported.

A bug report is considered not reproducible if it is a bug that the site developers would fix, but cannot due to an inability to recreate the problematic behavior in spite of attempts to do so. Reports that are not reproducible typically represent bugs that come from using unsupported browsers and tools, or because of sunspots and other activity entirely unrelated to the site creating a momentary issue. Alternatively, the bug did exist at the time the report was filed but seems to have fixed itself by the time a developer reviews the bug report.

If a bug can’t be reproduced due to being immediately presented as being through an unsupported browser, thus bypassing the need of the site developers to even attempt to reproduce the bug, then should be used.

If you are the reporter of a bug that receives this tag, it may indicate that the bug was intermittent, or merely that you didn't thoroughly explain the circumstances under which you encountered it. First, verify that you can still cause the bug to appear, and (if you can) then edit your report to do the following:

  • Describe in detail what you were doing when it happened. Include links to any relevant pages/posts.

  • List the steps you took to encounter the bug.

  • Describe your environment: browser make and version, OS, add-ons, userscripts (if applicable).

  • Include screenshots if applicable. Use hand-drawn circles to highlight key portions of the problem.

Status tags can only be applied by moderators and site developers.