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Questions tagged [triage]

Triage is a review queue, enabled only on specific sites, intended to split questions into three categories: Looks OK, Needs community edit, and Needs author edit/Flag.

20 votes
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Somebody needs to watch the health of review queues, network-wide

What I've noticed is that on many sites reviews fall by the wayside. They either don't get done, or there's some other major problem with how they're being done (e.g., robo-reviewing). This is most ...
Laurel's user avatar
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Privilege page 'Access review queues' still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"

Similar to Help Center still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"; however, it's enabled on Physics since September, there is another Help Center page that lists the review queues ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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21 votes
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Help Center still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"; however, it's enabled on Physics since September

Triage was previously announced to be open to any site which wanted it. Now it seems Physics has an active Triage queue. However, the Help Center article listing all the review queues still claims ...
bobble's user avatar
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-7 votes
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No minimum question limit on SE sites? [closed]

I was browsing the Stack Overflow site (specifically the machine-learning tag (ML)) and I was surprised by how short the questions are becoming in that place. ML is fast growing, but there isn't any ...
neel g's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Wrong dates in comments in Triage review [closed]

I see wrong dates for comments in the Triage review queue. The question is asked 29 minutes ago (today), but the comments are dated 24 May.
SHS's user avatar
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Favourite Tag Review in Triage [closed]

Today I am reviewing Triage questions and I skipped almost all except not formatted questions! because of no expertise of the domain. My Query is : Is it possible to get the review questions only ...
Madhukar Hebbar's user avatar
12 votes
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Explain missing VLQ flag in the UI

As explained in Meta.SE question Where is very low quality Flag, the VLQ flag can be missing from available flags if the question is already undergoing triage, and this is by design. While it makes ...
Xan's user avatar
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Bug: Triage not explained in "Access Review Queues" privilege [closed]

As far as I can see, the privilege to access review queues also gives you access to "Triage". This fact is missing here:
Thomas Landauer's user avatar
-8 votes
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Reputation for "correctly" triaging [closed]

Triaging is a mostly thankless job, and I feel like a little bit of a reputation boost for "correctly" triaging (where correctly triaging is triaging in accordance with the final decision) would be ...
Gaelan's user avatar
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What should I do during triaging if a question is already edited? [closed]

I have just earned my privilege to review questions and help with triaging, so I started pitching in today. I came across a question which in my opinion needed editing but was already edited. Should ...
akousmata's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unable to downvote question after marking it as Unsalvageable in Triage Review [closed]

I was reviewing Triage Review Queue. There I marked one question as Unsalvageable. After that screen moved to next question for review. I expected it to wait on same question to downvote or add ...
Rahul Nikate's user avatar
3 votes
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What will the status of a flag be if the OP deletes the question before triage completes? [closed]

Just a few minutes ago, when I checked my flags. I noticed the following for a question I had recently flagged. The content of the involved question consisted only of the text of the exception. So I ...
Alex's user avatar
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22 votes
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Triage and Help & Improvement review queues at sites other than Stack Overflow?

TL;DR Does it make sense to establish (or at least test) new review queues at sites other than Stack Overflow? As far a I understand, answer to above question is not quite straightforward: This is ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.2k
18 votes
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Are questions in Triage shown on the real-time tab? [closed]

Questions selected for Triage are not shown on site's front page. Do they appear on the network-wide real-time question list? (Reason for asking: spam-detecting bots rely on the realtime question feed....
user avatar
10 votes
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Don't make me chase the upvote button in the triage queue [closed]

When I vote Looks OK in the triage queue, there's a chance I may be one of the last users to do so. When this is the case, I am prompted to upvote the question I just reviewed: Thanks! The ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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