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Questions tagged [tag-bubble]

For questions about tag bubbles. After hovering over a tag, the tag bubble pops up (with a dark grey background). If the tag excerpt exists, it is shown in the tag bubble.

3 votes
1 answer

Show total number of questions in synonym group at all occasions

Currently the displayed number of questions in a tag is: If I search for questions with a tag: The total number of tags in the synonym group. In the tag search (and some other places): The number of ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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There are no tag bubbles when editing questions [duplicate]

When editing a question, hovering over the question's tags does not pop up the tag bubble. As edits can involve re-tagging, being able to see the excerpt in the tag bubble would be really useful as ...
James's user avatar
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12 votes
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Do tag RSS feeds attract many viewers?

Do we have any statistics giving an idea of how many people follow new questions on tags via RSS feeds? We have some sort of a proxy for this information via the number of followers shown in the tag-...
Charles Stewart's user avatar
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Move tag bubble out of the way on vertical lists of tags

It would be nice if the tag bubble showed up to the left of tags in cases where they are stacked vertically, like "Recent Tags" or "Unanswered Tags" in the sidebar. It's really annoying when I ...
Val's user avatar
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2 answers


Checking the [matlab]-tag, I noticed that SO says that there are 1.3k followers - a few days ago it was less than 10. Is this a bug or has the tag really become so popular?
Jonas's user avatar
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Can you remove the X's from the Favorite Tags section?

Now that the Favorite Tags have the bubble popup, can you please remove the obnoxious delete buttons near every tag? I keep deleting them by accident...
Kobi's user avatar
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Mouseover on 'favorite tags' section on index does not show popup

Mouseovering most tags results in the display of a floating window with subscription options, among other things. However, the tags displayed in the favorite tags box in the upper right of the index ...
bdonlan's user avatar
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Tag tooltip does not display correct number of subscribers

When hovering over the qtp tag in SO it says there are 0 subscribers. I know this is wrong since I subscribe to this tag for all SE sites.
Motti's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Tag bubbles on metas point to meta tags, not parent tags

See this answer: all the "rss" and "help us edit this wiki" (and possibly the subscribe link too?) point to the meta site -- whereas a click on the link proper goes to the parent ...
badp's user avatar
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What does 'subscribe' in the Stack Exchange Shiny Hover Tag Information-o-Matic do?

Now that tags have this erm... shiny thing which appears when you move your mouse over them (try it! waffles), one question remains: What in the billion blue blazes does the 'subscribe' button do? ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
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