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Questions tagged [stack-snippets]

Stack Snippets are runnable inline code samples. Currently HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are supported. Use this tag for bug reports, feature requests, and discussions explicitly relevant to these snippets and their underlying technologies.

3 votes
0 answers

The code snippet window sometimes doesn't close

The code snippet window sometimes doesn't close. Below is an example of this issue on SO with Chrome + Windows 10 when I was writing a question, which prevented me from continuing to write the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
12 votes
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Can the Stack Overflow code snippet facility be updated with newer library options?

In Stack Overflow, there's a useful facility for adding runnable code in HTML and JavaScript. There is a dropdown list on the left-hand side of the dialog which offers several third-party libraries. ...
quilkin's user avatar
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13 votes
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Snippet button missing on Staging Ground question creation

I've been wondering why there is no 'create snippet' button when asking a question on Stack Overflow! I found this meta post asking where it was 7 months ago and staff mentioned that it was being ...
Zach Jensz's user avatar
7 votes
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Stack Snippet is not supported on mobile devices - time to reconsider it

There have been a couple of cases when I wanted to write an answer on my iPhone and ran into non-working stack snippets editor, only to be greeted with magnificent error: not supported on mobile. Well,...
nicael's user avatar
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Add syntax highlighting support for Solidity

Recently, I have been active a lot on the Ethereum site. It got a recent design overhaul which shows that some progression is happening. Unfortunately, one of the main issues is that the Solidity code ...
Throvn's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Editor in "Ask Question" page has two snippet icons

There are two snippet icons displayed in the question's body Markdown editing tool. Clicking on both icons opens the snippet section. I am able to reproduce this on Meta Stack Exchange and Stack ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Who sniped the snippet?

I am trying to ask a question on Stack Overflow but the code snippet button is missing for some reason. Expecting this Currently Available How can I bring back the code snippet?
smpa01's user avatar
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Appearance of HTML and CSS snippet is changing when it is indented

Today I was editing this question to change the formatting of its code into a runnable snippet. Once I configured the snippet, Stack Overflow would not let me submit my question because it thought ...
aplua's user avatar
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Snippets in nested list items break nesting in post preview

Similar to "Why aren't runnable code snippets formatted correctly within lists?" (which appears to be resolved), when a snippet is in an item in a nested markdown list, it breaks the nesting....
outis's user avatar
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14 votes
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Bump outdated React version code snippet

The Stack Snippet React version is outdated to such an extent that using a CDN link has become mandatory. Stack Snippets provide React 16.6.3 as highest version. However; React 16.6 is a very old ...
0stone0's user avatar
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6 votes
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Indenting interactive interpreter invokes interesting interactions [duplicate]

Stack Snippets still attempt to be rendered when indented or within code fences. This behaviour was first observed "in the wild" on this (now deleted) answer on Stack Overflow and in ...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
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Quicker copying of code examples [duplicate]

There are some code snippets in answers that I want to take, but it is slightly inconvenient to select the whole thing. Could there be a button added next to every snippet that lets you copy the whole ...
CiY3's user avatar
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8 votes
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A small problem when using "Tidy" to format JS in the "Code Sandbox" if the code uses "dynamic import"

When creating an answer to the question, I drew attention to the incorrect formatting of the JS code via "Tidy" in "Code Snippet" when using "dynamic import" in the code. ...
Oleg Barabanov's user avatar
1 vote
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Alignment bug of Run Code Snippet buttons after approving suggested edit

I approved a suggested edit on this post by clicking the edit link directly on the post. After approving the edit it seems the "Run code snippet" buttons are vertically aligned in the diff ...
bad_coder's user avatar
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2 votes
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Stack Snippet console styles can be overriden [duplicate]

While editing a post I put the code into a runnable Stack Snippet and noticed that the styles affected the console: console.log('good luck reading this when the console wrapper dimensions are ...
Sam Onela's user avatar
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