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Questions tagged [saves]

For questions about the Saves feature, which replaced the previous Bookmarks features in 2022. Saves can be used to organize questions and answers in various lists.

6 votes
0 answers

Saves’ private notes has some escaped HTML on sites where I'm a moderator

There’s a bug with the private notes for Saves, but I can only manage to reproduce it on the site on which I'm a moderator. This does not happen on sites where I'm not a moderator. On Music.SE, go to ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Edge case where upon automatic page refresh after deleting saves list, listing in left col still shows that list

Repro steps: Save some post "A" to a new list "foo" Save another post "B" and click "manage" (leave the dialog open) In another tab, go to saves page, open &...
starball's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Getting Save Count for a particular post

Is there any way to see how many users have saved a particular post in Stack Overflow? For example, I have saved the following post in Stack Overflow. Ansible-galaxy throws ImportError: No module ...
khairul alam's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to easily access your "saved for later"/duplicates list when voting duplicates

It would be very useful, when voting on a question as duplicate, if one could easily access the "Saved for later" list (or whatever list one uses), since that's where I keep the commonly ...
siggemannen's user avatar
5 votes
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Make it flow smoothly to add a post to a specific saves list

I am an avid user of the saves feature. I like it. I want to love it. One of the biggest pain points is how much I need to move my mouse around to add a post to a specific list. saves button is to ...
starball's user avatar
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5 votes
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Add a keyboard shortcut for adding a post to saves

I use the saves feature a lot, and I also use my keyboard a lot. It would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut for saving a post. I dunno. How about v,s (as in "vote -> save").
starball's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Knowing the date when I saved a post (a Question or an Answer)

In the Saves section of a profile (link pattern https://$$userid/all?sort=Added) there is the "Added" sort option. But the items in the list don't ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Changing the sort order in the “Saves” tab does not update the view

Changing the sort order in the “Saves” tab in the user profile does not update the view anymore. Only after a browser refresh are the saves displayed according to the newly selected order. This ...
Martin R's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make my list of saved questions accessible during "duplicate close" dialogue? [duplicate]

It would be great to have access to ones saved questions in the "duplicate close" flow. Most of my saves are duplicate targets for questions that keep on getting asked somewhat frequently (I ...
Sursula's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Question merge log still mentions 'bookmarks' instead of 'saves'

When merging two questions, the log mentions 'bookmarks' in the next-to-last line, even though Bookmarks have evolved into Saves: Beginning merge of question.Id = 396316 into question.Id = 176961 ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Undo "delete Saves list" leads to page showing "0 saved items" in list when there are still items in the Saves list

In a similar way to the following bug report: Undo delete list on saves leads to 404 page, undoing a delete of a Saves list displays the "0 saved items" page, however the items are still in ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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9 votes
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Possible to inadvertently delete a private note when "unsaving" a post from a Saves list

After displaying a Saves list, it is possible to add a private note to a Saved post or "unsave" the post from the Saves list: Both of these actions are fine and create no issues. However, ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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7 votes
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When viewing last page of a Saves list and it has one item only, the filter tabs disappear

There appears to be an edge case bug whereby the tabs of a Saves list disappear from view, namely the "Score | Activity | Views | Newest | Added" tabs. This happens when you have ( n mod 30 ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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2 votes
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"Saves" for unregistered user gives 404 page

The link to saves gives a 404 page when used from an unregistered user profile: If it's not suitable for unregistered users, could we just remove that section for them? I didn't find any restrictions ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
3 votes
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Make clicking "manage" after saving a post auto-focus the list-selection dropdown

This would be nice for quality-of-life for keyboard users. Save me some completely unnecessary key-presses would you? (Or explain to me why they're not completely unnecessary) Also, while we're at it, ...
starball's user avatar
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