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Help page for first question review is treating questions as answers

I took a look at the help page for the new first question review (Using Security.SE as an example) and it says: Share feedback if the post has the potential of being a good answer, but cannot be ...
Henry WH Hack v3.0's user avatar
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Privilege page 'Access review queues' still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"

Similar to Help Center still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"; however, it's enabled on Physics since September, there is another Help Center page that lists the review queues ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Help Center still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"; however, it's enabled on Physics since September

Triage was previously announced to be open to any site which wanted it. Now it seems Physics has an active Triage queue. However, the Help Center article listing all the review queues still claims ...
bobble's user avatar
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Help center page on reopening questions no longer correctly states the time frame in which edited questions are added to the reopen queue

In the help center entry for reopening a closed question, the article states: Closed questions that receive edits within the first 5 days of closure are automatically put into a review queue to be ...
Spevacus's user avatar
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"How to use the Close/Reopen votes queue" help articles need updated screenshots

In the How do I use the Close Votes queue help article, the screenshots have been outdated. Currently, the screenshots of the review queues show the old UI, and look like this: But the design has ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Help centre refers to review queues, a privilege, and a link that do not exist [duplicate]

The help centre for MSO states (on this page: "The first queues you gain access to are Late Answers and First Posts. These and ...
A.M.'s user avatar
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