When clicking the "Show N more comments" on a post the styling of the comment timestamps of other posts on the same page becomes similar to the styling of the comment author's display name.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Open a question that has enough comments for the "Show N more comments" link to show up and also has answers with comments on them. For example open this question: What is the XY problem?
  2. Click the "Show N more comments" on the question.
  3. Scroll to an answer (only comments on other posts on the same page are affected) with comments on the same page.
  4. Notice that the styling of the comment timestamps is wrong.

Styling before clicking "Show N more comments":

enter image description here

Styling after clicking "Show N more comments":

enter image description here

  • 8
    Nice reproduction steps. I noticed this sometimes but didn't know what caused it. Commented 2 days ago


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