Is it possible to see if and toward what a post (question or answer or comment) has been linked? For example if you click here you get to the main meta.se page but is it possible to see that that page has been linked from here?

Just to make an example (and I'm not going to use specific names to keep it general):

On a certain SE I stumbled upon an answer which is the most voted and the chosen one. Unfortunately it is wrong. By chance I've seen that on another SE an answer is linked to that wrong one. So it would be interesting to see where that wrong answer has been linked.


1 Answer 1


There's no way for Stack Exchange to keep track of all links like that. The following functionality is available and may be of help in similar situations:

  • The functionality, which shows posts on the same site referencing each other in a list in the right sidebar; I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Stack Exchange software but the tag wiki contains some details, and here is the blog post that introduced the feature.
  • You can use the url: search operator to search for a post's URL. The operator even works on https://stackexchange.com/ for network-wide searches. It only searches in posts though, and you cannot limit your search query to just https://meta.stackexchange.com/ (without anything after it), so it works best for links to specific posts, just as in your example. Note that there are various ways to link to specific posts; if I'd want to look for links to this answer, I could search for
    • https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/382331 (the relevant part of the short form)
    • https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/382330/ (yes, this is the question, but using the entire URL, https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/382330/is-it-possible-to-see-if-a-post-has-been-linked-somewhere/382331#382331 may have the problem that if the title changes, that URL changes as well - older links may use a different title.
    • Searching for url:"382331" might also work, but could also give false positives.
  • A search for specific URLs is also possible with the Stack Exchange Data Explorer provided that the site is not too large (Stack Overflow is too large for searching posts like that). Here is an example, but you'd need to run it again for the same URL with another slash at the end.
  • 1
    Thanks for your answer, that should help 🖖 I'm going to expand a bit my question with an example, just to be sure that it's clear what and why I'm asking about
    – sophit
    Commented Sep 25, 2022 at 9:20

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