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H&S Dean's Teaching Awards

The Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching recognizes the efforts of exceptional teachers in the School of Humanities and Sciences and is given for excellence in graduate education, achievements in teaching, and first years of teaching at Stanford.


* Emeritus
** Deceased


Nora Barakat, History
John Fox, Applied Physics
Katherine Hilton, Linguistics
Dan Jurafsky, Linguistics
Christopher Lowe, Biology
Scott M. McKeon, Economics
Antonia Peacocke, Philosophy


Brian Conrad, Mathematics
Brian Coyne, Political Science
Benjamin Good, Applied Physics
David Lyons, Program in Human Biology
Robert Podesva, Linguistics
Sarah Prodan, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Molly Schumer, Biology 


Asad Asad, Sociology
Sarah Derbew, Classics 
Lianne Kurina, Program in Human Biology
Erin Mordecai, Biology
Janice Ross, Theater & Performance Studies
Michael Simon, Biology
Steven Zipperstein, History


Penelope Eckert, Linguistics
Patricia Jones, Biology
Judith Degen, Linguistics
Lauren O'Connell, Biology
Kathryn Olivarius, History
Steven Roberts, Psychology
Lauren Davenport, Political Science
Jessica Feldman, Biology
Thomas Icard, Philosophy
Justin Leidwanger, Classics
Gil-li Vardi, History
Janine Zacharia, Communication
Paula Findlen, History
Michael Frank, Psychology


Hans Andersen, Chemistry *
Jonathan Gienapp, History
Jason Hogan, Physics
Bruce Cain, Political Science
Adrian Daub, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Jeanne Tsai, Psychology
Walter Powell, Sociology


William Durham, Program in Human Biology *
Alia Crum, Psychology
Mark Algee-Hewitt, English
Susan Stephens, Classics
Charlie Cox, Chemistry
Waheeda Khalfan, Biology
Jens Hainmueller, Political Science
Peggy Phelan, Theater & Performance Studies


Tom Wasow, Linguistics *
Noah Burns, Chemistry
Andy Hall, Political Science
Kathryn Gin Lum, Religious Studies
Mary Beth Mudgett, Biology
James Hamilton, Communication
Alice Staveley, English
Paul Milgrom, Economics


Bruce Owen, Program in Public Policy *
Chris Potts, Linguistics
Brian Conrad, Mathematics
Tomás Jiménez, Sociology
Ewart Thomas, Psychology *


Richard Schoen, Mathematics *
Thomas Markland, Chemistry
Jorah Dannenberg, Philosophy
Tadashi Fukami, Biology
Stephen Hinton, Music
Justin Grimmer, Political Science
Elizabeth Bernhardt, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages


Kristin Samuelson, Art & Art History *
Laura Stokes, History
Jamil Zaki, Psychology
Eric Kool, Chemistry
Russell Berman, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
Alan Code, Philosophy


Marsh McCall, Classics *
Alison McQueen, Political Science
Matthew Jackson, Economics
Michael Predmore, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages**
Beth Levin, Linguistics


Donald Kennedy, Program in Human Biology **
John Perry, Philosophy *
Justin Grimmer, Political Science
Ran Abramitzky, Economics
Jennifer Schwartz, Chemistry
James Fearon, Political Science


Hazel Markus, Psychology
Ken Schultz, Political Science
Dan Edelstein, French & Italian
Anthony Wagner, Psychology


Mark Mancall, History **


Joshua Cohen, Political Science *
David Laitin, Political Science
James Nelson, Biology *
Albert Dien, East Asian Languages & Cultures *
Elizabeth Tallent, English *
Ian Morris, Classics
Nadeem Hussain, Philosophy


Cécile Alduy, French & Italian
Jeremy Weinstein, Political Science
Michael Rosenfeld, Sociology
Justin Du Bois, Chemistry
Zephyr Frank, History
Robert Gregg, Religious Studies *
Alexander Fetter, Physics *


Roland Greene, English/Comparative Literature
Stephen Shenker, Physics
Gabriella Safran, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Jennifer Eberhardt, Psychology
Jeremy Bailenson, Communication
Robert Crews, History
Morris Zelditch, Sociology **


James Reichert, Asian Languages
Greg Brumfiel, Mathematics *
Vered Shemtov, Jewish Studies
James Watanabe, Hopkins Marine Station *
Pavle Levi, Art & Art History
Jeanne Tsai, Psychology
David Abernethy, Political Science *


Jennifer Trimble, Classics
Martha Cyert, Biological Sciences
Ramzi Salti, Stanford Language Center
Ravi Vakil, Mathematics
Jean Oi, Political Science
Benoit Monin, Psychology
Tim Stearns, Biological Sciences


Lanier Anderson, Philosophy
Ian Fisher, Applied Physics
Denise Gigante, English
Jonathan Levin, Economics
Michael McFaul, Political Science
Steve Sano, Music


Krista Lawlor, Philosophy
Momoyo Kubo Lowdermilk, Stanford Language Center
Norman Naimark, History
John Shoven, Economics *
Michael Tomz, Political Science
Guenther Walther, Statistics
Charles Yanofsky, Biological Sciences **


Ralph Cohen, Mathematics *
Amir Eshel, German Studies
Stephen Haber, Political Science
Amir Weiner, History
Hong Zeng, Asian Languages


Chris Bobonich, Philosophy
Hisayo Lipton, Asian Languages
Richard Roberts, History *
Scott Sagan, Political Science
Thomas Wandless, Chemistry


John Fox, Applied Physics
Eric Kool, Chemistry
Joshua Landy, French & Italian
Paula Moya, English
Leon Simon, Mathematics *


Mark Denny, Hopkins Marine Station
Yoshiko Matsumoto, Asian Languages
Stephen Orgel, English *
Paul Wender, Chemistry
Phil Zimbardo, Psychology


Laura Carstensen, Psychology
Pat Jones, Biological Sciences *
John L’Heureux, English **
Robert Pecora, Chemistry *
Gregory Wait, Music


Patricia Burchat, Physics
Judy Goldstein, Political Science
James Gross, Psychology
Andrea Nightingale, Comparative Literature/French & Italian
Timothy Stearns, Biological Sciences


Brigitte Cazelles, French & Italian **
Albert Gelpi, English *
Hans Gumbrecht, Comparative Literature/French & Italian *
Van Harvey, Religious Studies **


John Bender, English *
Rima Greenhill, Slavic
Jan Krawitz, Art and Art History (Formerly Communication)
Martin Fejer, Applied Physics
Claude Steele, Psychology *


Sandy Fetter, Physics *
Charles Lyons, Drama **
Clifford Nass, Communication **


David Abernethy, Political Science *
Thomas Hare, Asian Languages
Matthew Kahn, Art **
Condoleezza Rice, Political Science
John Ross, Chemistry
James Sheehan, History *
Sylvia Yanagisako, Anthropology *


Hans Andersen, Chemistry *
Timothy Bresnahan, Economics *
Jay Fliegelman, English **
Stephen Haber, History
Stephen Krasner, Political Science
Sharon R. Long, Biological Sciences
Lee Ross, Psychology **
Sylvia Wynter, Spanish & Portuguese *


Joel Beinin, History *
Blas Cabrera, Physics *
Robert Sapolsky, Biological Sciences
Edward Solomon, Chemistry
Mary Waek, English


Terry L. Karl, Political Science
Mary L. Pratt, Spanish & Portuguese/Comparative Literature *
Alexander Stewart, Drama **


Russell A. Berman, German Studies
Michael Boskin, Economics
John W. Etchemendy, Philosophy
Wray H. Huestis, Chemistry *
David M. Kennedy, History *
Sharon R. Long, Biological Sciences


John Pencavel, Economics
John Perry, Philosophy *
Richard Scott, Sociology *
John B. Wilson III, Drama
Richard Zare, Chemistry


Michael Fayer, Chemistry
Harold Kahn, History **
Ronald Rebholz, English **
Kristine Samuelson, Communication *


Nancy S. Kollmann, History
J. Dirk Walecka, Physics *
Robert Osserman, Mathematics **
Nancy H. Packer, English *


Martin Evans, English **
Lyman Van Slyke, History **
Phoebe Ellsworth, Linguistics
Steven Kerckhoff, Mathematics *


Jody L. Maxmin, Art
Malcolm Beasley, Applied Physics *


Steven G. Boxer, Chemistry
Ivan A. Sag, Linguistics **
Richard D. Schupbach, Slavic *


John Rick, Anthropology *
James P. Collman, Anthropology *
Paul S. Seaver, History **
David J. Danelski, Political Science *


John L’Heureux, English **
Brigitte Cazelles, French **
Paul Robinson, History *
Merrill Carlsmith, Psychology **


Kenneth Fields, English *
Carl Degler, History **
William Durham, Anthropology *
Mary Sunseri, Mathematics **
Joseph Van Campen, Slavic *
Stanley Wojcicki, Physics **


Isabella Abbott, Biology **
Albert Elsen, Art **
Estelle Freedman, History
Gene Golub, Computer Science **
Albert Guerard, English **
James Liu, Asian Languages
Scott Pearson, Food Research Institute *
Robert Polhemus, English *
Melvin Schwartz, Physics **
Alan Schwettman, Physics *
David Siegmund, Statistics
Morris Zelditch, Sociology **


David Abernethy, Political Science *
Barton Bernstein, History *
Michael Bratman, Philosophy
William Chance, English (Honorary Emeritus, )
Bernard Cohen, Sociology **
William Leben, Linguistics *
Diane Middlebrook, English **
Julius Moravcsik, Philosophy **
Rupert Miller, Statistics
Wayne Vucinich, History **
Ward Watt, Biology *
Terry Winograd, Linguistics/Computer Science *


Donald Abbott, Biology **
John Brauman, Chemistry *
William Clebsch, Religious Studies **
William Little, Physics *
Carolyn Lougee, History *
Antony Raubitschek, Classics **
Ronald Rebholz, English **
M. Max Schiffer, Mathematics **
Robert Simoni, Biology **
Arthur Wolf, Anthropology **