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Questions tagged [down-votes]

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2 votes
3 answers

What's wrong with this question that asks if there was slaves that were treated well?

Are there records of any American slave owner treat their slave well? It seems like an objective, if not to difficult answer, question. Yet it has a score of -4. What's wrong with it?
dwjohnston's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Is recent history on topic?

Everybody has read the What topics can I ask about here? page as we all need clarity on whether a question will be welcome before developing it. The rules forbid questions about "the future", they ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to fix this question

This Question has a long comment stream and 2 upvoted answers. It also has 5 downvotes with its 4 upvotes, hence a net score of -1. There are no reasons given for the down votes. I don't see ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Should answerers be held responsible for updating their answers when the questions are revised?

Here's a typical situation. I see a question. I write an answer that draws upvotes. Then the OP revises the question. My answer starts getting downvotes. The critical comments are generally that the ...
Tom Au's user avatar
  • 104k
4 votes
4 answers

Does the fact that comments aren't anonymous discourage people who downvote from explaining why?

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has been puzzled (and at times a little annoyed) at being downvoted (both questions and answers). At the same time, I accept people's right to do that and I think ...
Lars Bosteen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why is my post being downvoted - it is not more less a list than other questions that are upvoted

I have a question about my History Stack Exchange post: What notable examples in recent history where citizens burning things down during protest likely was the cause of achieving the goals of the ...
Jonathan Rayner's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

If an answer is clear and supported by citations, is there a mechanism to delete unexplained down votes?

On some other stackexchange sites, the moderators look for cases where there have been downvotes without comment that are not constructive and that appear to be based on personal bias, rather than a ...
Bruce James's user avatar
  • 5,114
2 votes
3 answers

Nonconstructive amounts of recent down voting/closures

Update: The question referred to in this post was edited and the problem was fixed this morning. It is still closed at this time and still attracted down voters. Please do consider re-opening the poor ...
Razie Mah's user avatar
  • 5,975
7 votes
4 answers

Is it OK to vote down on question when I just don't like the topic?

I was reading the "Plea to downvoters" discussion and I have similar question. I generally agree that a downvoter should explain what is wrong. Should (s)he also do if he just doesn't like the topic? ...
Voitcus's user avatar
  • 7,141
44 votes
36 answers

Why did my question get a downvote?

Another in my aperiodic, quixotic rants intended to improve the quality of H:SE posts. I've seen a few questions on meta that resemble "why did I get a downvote?". It struck me that I can't ...
MCW's user avatar
  • 33.7k
3 votes
3 answers

How should we deal with sensitive historical questions?

By sensitive questions, I refer specifically to questions about Adolf Hitler, or topics (e.g. Nazism) derived from him. (One might plausibly substitute Josef Stalin, and his dealing with the ...
Tom Au's user avatar
  • 104k
-7 votes
3 answers

What is the maximum amount of downvotes for one user's questions/answers by another user?

In my previous question I did not get my answer and instead of it I have been suspended and did not get the reason. I think it was to make cool down mods and some other users who are angry about my ...
Persian Cat's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Downvoting and/or voting to close

Consider this question. I was the first one to vote for closure, since it was (and still is) too broad and argumentative. However, I did not see fit to downvote it, because it's not a stupid or badly-...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Downvote: you really should say why and how to improve

It would be really useful if people who down voted could say why they did so. Even better, add a hint as to how they would improve the question. Since the site is in beta, some questions/answers may ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar